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Nor does yours if I remember correctly; of course that hasn't stopped you from sharing your vast wisdom in this thread.


Ha, you got me. Venting, this is what I am doing. I'll post an email from a local McCain fan later today when I get my hands on it. This the typical, rural voter in Missouri. At first it will be humorous, upon further digestion it will make you hurl. It is forthcoming..,

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How long will it take before some video of Levi surfaces of him doing something totlly stupid, like kick'n some ass, getting drunk, kissing other girls, smoking grass, fuckin a moose. It's gotta happen. Something. This should be on one of those betting web sites. Odds are there is a video out there. Never in the world did he ever think he would ever be standing on that stage. Politics is so cruel.

Bullshit! I can't wait until HER video comes out. >:)

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OK, everyone stop feeding the troll now.

when i read substance that i think is worth responding to, i do.


Well, that menans what exactly? Apparently you read it enough to critique my spelling?

i menans i don't like you. the spelling just kinda jumped out at me and didn't want to pass up the opportunity to throw a dart at your ego.

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Other than that I'm guessing you don't disagree with my statement?


Talk radio proved enormously popular and has over time become hugely homogenous in its message.


I don't want to cut your post up but I find this to be quite rich.


This board defines "homogenous" when it comes to political beliefs.

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conservatives have no substance and Sarah Palin is a flip flopper who will say whatever the Republican party wants to hear, which is typical of most Republicans.

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This thread is gettin closed soon.

That's fine - they might as well cancel the election and appoint McCain now - so we can skip the process of Obama being painted as an out of touch cheese-eater over the next few weeks.

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no, just a little barb. to help you make the distinction i'll put [substance] tags around words that i think contain substance.


Well, insofar as your own posting is concerned, those bracket keys are going to go largely unused and neglected.

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conservatives have no substance and Sarah Palin is a flip flopper who will say whatever the Republican party wants to hear, which is typical of most Republicans.




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note that I didn't say ALL Republicans and conservatives. that's what I meant anyway. the RNC always seems to bring out the worst in their party. I try to watch it to find some sort of connection or anything that I may have in common with the party and all I hear is a bunch of snarky rhetoric. then I just have to turn off the TV because it makes me want to vomit in terror.

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also, i hope she credits whoever wrote this speech.



Ministry of Information. They really seem to think the public won't remember what happened under their watch -- they sure are scrambling to make it seem like someone else's responsibility.



9/11 happened on their watch, Bin Laden is still out there, and it's the Dem's who are weak on national security?


And re 9/11, there are A LOT of unanswered questions, with very disturbing implications. Call it conspiracy theory if you want -- sometimes there are conspiracies. I'd suggest if you don't question the official story, it's likely you're the one drinking the koolaid.


  • cheney leading multiple 'plane attacking building' military training scenarios as the attacks happened. hmmmm.
  • the unprecedented and inexplicable structure failures. Commission's complete avoidance of WTC 7 collapse (and Marvin Bush's ties to the building).
  • repeated warnings of airplane attacks -- how many? 52?
  • remotely piloted attacks on buildings has long been under military consideration
  • administration stonewalling the investigation
  • why did Pakistani intelligence give Mohammed Atta $100,000?
  • why are so many of the terrorists still alive?


Iraq -- a war presented and executed on false pretenses, made possible by the "Pearl Harbor" neocons called for to justify it.


Al Qaeda -- Why can't we find that BinLaden guy after 7 years?


Torture -- as Jon Stewart put it, if the Hanoi Hilton made McCain what he is today, Guantanamo must be a leadership training academy.


Deficit -- those damn Democrats left us with a budget surplus. Something must be done to stop their wasteful spending!


Debt -- much like the consumer credit crisis, let's not actually ensure the government has the income it needs to do what it wants, let's give corporate and wealthy further tax breaks and borrow the money from China. That's the ticket.


For the children -- we can't afford $200 million to provide children who lack it health insurance when we're spending $2 billion a week in Iraq. C'mon people, where are your priorities?


Tax policy favoring the wealthiest over 95% of the rest of us -- but the Republicans just keep lying about it.


Katrina. The pandering over Gustav was unavoidable of course, but repulsive nonetheless.


privatization/profiteering. Government should be just big enough to collect your money and give it to our buddies. Prisons, education, security, "rebuilding" Iraq. The Pentagon can't find $23 billion of your dollars.


Erosion of civil liberties. 8 million Americans ID'd as potential enemies. Farming out data mining on Americas to private companies because it's illegal for the govt to do it. Warrantless wiretapping, infiltration of community groups by fed spies. The Constitution -- just a damn piece of paper.


Energy policy written in secret by oil companies. Stonewalled any efforts to encourage dev't of alternative methods/sources (while giving billions in handouts to oil companies).


Voter repression, election theft, swift boat campaigning.


Unilateralism as foreign policy. Unitary executive power. Signing statements. Martial law/continuity of government plans. Bush family heavily invested in the weapons industry.


I have to go throw up now.

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