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i don't let what i might get called here affect my views.


regardless of that... people claim so-called moral high-ground when it comes to their stance on abortion, but when it comes time to support those babies after they're born... oh no, you're 100% on your own then fuckers



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i can only speak for myself and say that it wouldn't change my position any.


Perhaps, but it could be the case that the entire political and cultural landscape might be completely unrecognizable if pregnancy were to be an equal opportunity employer. So, the

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regardless of that... people claim so-called moral high-ground when it comes to their stance on abortion, but when it comes time to support those babies after they're born... oh no, you're 100% on your own then fuckers



my wife and i have two kids that we adopted after having been their foster parents for a year. we were also foster parents to four other kids whose family situations improved to the point where they were eventually returned to their birth families.


i don't term my position the "moral high-ground". it's just what i think is right.


i'll refrain from telling you what i think is "typical" about your post, but i think it's quite obvious.


excellent article.

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my wife and i have two kids that we adopted after having been their foster parents for a year. we were also foster parents to four other kids whose family situations improved to the point where they were eventually returned to their birth families.


i don't term my position the "moral high-ground". it's just what i think is right.


i'll refrain from telling you what i think is "typical" about your post, but i think it's quite obvious.



excellent article.


that's all fine and dandy, and good for you guys, i'm just saying the irony of the far right is often very hilarious.


what is 'typical' about my post? pointing out hypocrisy where i see fit?

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that's all fine and dandy, and good for you guys, i'm just saying the irony of the far right is often very hilarious.

ooh, golly, my family is all fine and dandy! yay! fine and dandy. wow. nice. i'm going to frame this post and hang it up on my wall.


good thing there's never any irony on the far left. boy, if there was, i could imagine it being quite hilarious too.

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regardless of that... people claim so-called moral high-ground when it comes to their stance on abortion, but when it comes time to support those babies after they're born... oh no, you're 100% on your own then fuckers




My brother in law, whom I reference here frequently has one response to pro-choice people "it's a child not a choice" That tag line never grows old, does it? However while others were having a more in-depth discussion around his inane comment hiis wife looked at him and said "if you got a girl pregnant in high school you would have paid for an abortion. he didn't argue and admitted he woudl have, but still thinks others shoudl not have that option.



Shit, if Obama is Saruman, then who is Sauron?


Sauron = Cheany of course. Bush/Rove & the others are mere ring wraiths at the beck and call of the dark lord.

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So, is Bill O'Reilly suggesting that the senior Palin's were supervising their daughter when she got pregnant? And abortion is okay for wealthy people?


Yeah, like the hairy people of the 70's. Sit around, knock each other up. Man, I should become a Rep.


No, having children out of wedlock is only for wealthy people.

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my wife and i have two kids that we adopted after having been their foster parents for a year. we were also foster parents to four other kids whose family situations improved to the point where they were eventually returned to their birth families.


Kwall, I've said this before, I respect you and your family. The sad truth is that it's not the norm, I wish it was, but it's not.

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my wife and i have two kids that we adopted after having been their foster parents for a year. we were also foster parents to four other kids whose family situations improved to the point where they were eventually returned to their birth families.


i don't term my position the "moral high-ground". it's just what i think is right.


i'll refrain from telling you what i think is "typical" about your post, but i think it's quite obvious.



excellent article.


So why don't we allow the choice? Like it already is. Since you've alluded to the idea that what people think is right is an individual choice. Do you not see, that you are trying to impose your choice upon them?

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Do you not see, that you are trying to impose your choice upon them?

They see their choice as the only acceptable choice, and if I believed aborting an in utero fetus was murder, I would agree. I don't, so I don't.

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So why don't we allow the choice? Like it already is. Since you've alluded to the idea that what people think is right is an individual choice. Do you not see, that you are trying to impose your choice upon them?

i believe that an unborn child is a person. i don't think a person should be aborted merely because it is unwanted. there's lots of people i would prefer to not have around (aforementioned rapists, etc), but society has decided that i do not have the right to exercise my individual choice to abort them. do you not see, that society imposes all kinds of restrictions on our individual choices?

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