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China vs. US 5x's ability to fight (people)


In the event of war where do we get oil to fight the war since we rely on ships, planes, vehicles at a rate of 5 to 1 against China.


China is able to produce more than us.


If you continue to add Iran, Venezuela, & Russia it gets scary. (oil, peeps, location)


Kind of depends on who comes to our aid. We aren't doing so well here now.


Check this out. Fun war game comparison, but doesn't allow multiple configurations. http://www.globalfirepower.com/countries_comparison.asp


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I'm very worried about Russia, Venezuala, and Iran invading the United States.

That could be a treatment for a Red Dawn remake.

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Iran and Venezuala don't have the resources to invade the united states and wouldn't dream of doing so. It would be a very quick and painless battle (as was the iraq war. Now, if we're talking about occupying, well, we're not so good at that).


Russia might just be crazy enough to try something, but I still think the old Cold War battle lines are enough to keep them at bay.


And China probably wouldn't attack us for another 100 years. They still need us too much, economically.


But what if our economy tanks? Not saying it will due to recent plunge, but hypothetically? What use would we be? We send a lot of food to them, but if they colonized us, then they are in control of agriculture, too.


Some have said China will soon exceed its ability to produce the crap they now produce due to natural resources and ruination of their environment, at which point, do they need us? Not us, but they would be interested in our land.


That could be a treatment for a Red Dawn remake.


So there is still hope. Except Swayze isn't ready for another battle.

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I'm guessing if we stopped sending them food, it could seriously hinder their abilities to wage war.


I think China will do OK with food as they have managed to get by for several thousand years now.


Since when Al Gore said he was instrumental in getting funding for the internet it turned into a republican joke that he said he invented the internets. Do we get to hammer McCain for this... (From the Politico)




Asked what work John McCain did as Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee that helped him understand the financial markets, the candidate's top economic adviser wielded visual evidence: his BlackBerry.

"He did this," Douglas Holtz-Eakin told reporters this morning, holding up his BlackBerry. "Telecommunications of the United States is a premier innovation in the past 15 years, comes right through the Commerce committee so you're looking at the miracle John McCain helped create and that's what he did."



People are quick on this too. Wiki already has that McCain invented the bLackberry in 1997. But in reality it was invented by Research in Motion, A Canadian company. Glad to see McCain can get legislation passed that helps Canadian companies. I wonder what he can do here?

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I think China will do OK with food as they have managed to get by for several thousand years now.


Using their own resources, I doubt they can sustain a population of 1 and a half billion plus a standing, overseas army.

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Using their own resources, I doubt they can sustain a population of 1 and a half billion plus a standing, overseas army.

Allies, bob, allies.


Or maybe we should continue to send them our shitty industrial food that appears to be killing us in our own country.

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Allies, bob, allies.


Or maybe we should continue to send them our shitty industrial food that appears to be killing us in our own country.


That may be a second prong of our non-military assautl on China. First give them our debt, second our processed food, then the ultimate weapon to destroy their will to resist...Hasselhoff.

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You people are starting to scare me. I'm going to start hording canned goods, water and cat food.

This might be a good idea...once the Chinese figure out we aren't good for out debts, they may be coming around too.


The US of A is just plain broke at this point. Thank you very much George W....



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Being Chinese myself, the only piece of land we're looking at is Taiwan. That shit belongs to us, man.

Yeah. That is the only thing the U.S. and the PRC will shoot at each other about.

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I'm afraid to click on that. My stepbrother was one of those crazy survivalists. I should have gotten more advice from him when I had the chance.


I stumbled across that website when I was looking for canning recipes. It's pretty over the top, but they have been preparing for the end times since 1998 or something. :thumbup

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Americans are pretty good at getting their shit together when it matters, and in your completely far fetched scenario, it would matter.


The last 8 years make me wonder if this is really true anymore.


Not sure what you are saying here.... You think Obama is supportive of Israel?? I have an old friend (have talked about this before..sorry) who believes Obama (and his merry band of lefties such as Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayes( is out to destroy Israel and therefore he is voting McCain and this is destroying our friendship. I think you would have to say that Israel continues to bedevil everyone, supporters and sceptics alike.


Most of the Obama-out-to-destroy-Israel rumors decended from the Obama-is-a-secret-Muslim rumors. Nothing in his voting record or policy proposals suggest he's anything other than more of the same when it comes to beefing up Israel's military power, which actually sort of bothers me.

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When Iran stops it with the "we will destroy Israel" talk and defunds Hezbollah, then I would be in favor of ratcheting down our support of the IDF.

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The last 8 years make me wonder if this is really true anymore.


We were pretty good at getting our shit together after 9/11. We just let ourselves be tricked into thinking we had other people's shit to get together as well.

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Most of the Obama-out-to-destroy-Israel rumors decended from the Obama-is-a-secret-Muslim rumors. Nothing in his voting record or policy proposals suggest he's anything other than more of the same when it comes to beefing up Israel's military power, which actually sort of bothers me.
My "friend" has asked me not to publish the contents of emails, but they are more complex than that.


The best one (of many) is that Sarah Palin has an Israeli flag on her office wall in Alaska, wocka wocka.


In any event this is really screwing up my long term friendship with this guy, but apparently others reactions to his crazy shit was even more severe than my reactions. Sadly he made his email list so that a return all only returns to him and not to everyone receiving the emails. PM me if you are curious about the details, some of which I have not read because they are simply too distrurbing.



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That may be a second prong of our non-military assautl on China. First give them our debt, second our processed food, then the ultimate weapon to destroy their will to resist...Hasselhoff.

Perfect, as he is based in Germany. Can we fly Kit over? What is Michael Knight w/o Kit? Oh, my bad, a rock star.

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We were pretty good at getting our shit together after 9/11. We just let ourselves be tricked into thinking we had other people's shit to get together as well.


In what respect did we get our shit together after 9/11? By waving the flag a lot? Our response to it was passively allow our own freedoms to be curtailed, as well as a whole plethora of other reforms that have nothing to do with terrorism under the guise of protecting us after 9/11, and to attack a country that had nothing to do with the attack on us without really taking of the people who did attack us. That's not a nation with it's shit together, sorry.

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