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I am surprised Georgey didn;t tell us to go out and spend money today to help our country. After all, don't these corporations need our money to stay alive and keep Amurica strong? Later, I going to go buy some flags, energy funds, and some soda to wash it down.

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I've inhaled, too, but I didn't like it. I felt like I was having a panic attack or something.


Interesting. It took years for weed to affect me like that, which is why I don't smoke except for very occasionally. Weed is also much stronger now than I was when I was a youngin.


So now, we are avoiding a complete collapse of our financial system with a bailout of proportions never seen before. What remains to be seen is whether or not "main street" folks will be part of the bailout or will be left with foreclosure and bankruptcy. Some of these people deserve bailing out, others don't. But I think you could say the same of the banks that will be lining up for the $$ put forth, largely as taxes by these same "main street" people.

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Weed is also much stronger now than I was when I was a youngin.

that's the truth. i went for decades without even missing it but recently tried it again for medicinal purposes (i'm not kidding :) )

one inhalation caused stonedness; two knocked me on my ass.

in the old days you'd spend an hour to get to some dim idea of highness.

it's disorienting, not my favorite way to unwind.


this whole wall street "bailout" going on -- i'm no expert by a long shot and not even in the stock market, but it smacks of living off us little people & main taxpayers in a much bigger way than usual, and the exploitation had already come across as very big before this. it's ugly.

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Coulter's a trip man. I love watching her wiggle around saying crazy stuff.

ouch, still a painful trip, though, eh? of course, most talking heads have their unshining moments/hours/days/weeks/months/years, but she wins the prize. maybe i can't say that, having managed not to see or hear her for well over a couple of months now. active avoidance works sometimes.

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Coulter's a trip man. I love watching her wiggle around saying crazy stuff.





pot, kettle, etc.

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Exclusive: McCain closes huge gap on key question for women


David Paul Kuhn Mon Sep 22, 6:15 AM ET


Since picking Sarah Palin as his running mate, John McCain has obliterated what had been a 34-percentage-point deficit in a poll of likely women voters on the question of which candidate has a

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But like the whole she hates earmarks thing, they keep repeating it and the less curious voters out there will take it to be true and possibbly vote accordingly. Heck there is a guy here, he has a degree, works in a professional capacity, values learning and is a big fan of critical thinking and scepticism and he repeats the Russia line. COme to think of it the one thing he refuses to use critical thinking or scepticism on are the talkign points of the republicans. He still thinks Bush is doing a good job, or at least says he thinks that.


My brother in law has a PhD in Physics and still supports bushCo and the GOP. It's f'n bizarre.

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Is the left's "culture of death" to blame?


He goes to church but only for the sake of his kids. Basically, his wife makes him go. I asked him about it once....him being a learned scientist and all.......do you really believe in an invisible power in the sky and Its' almightly book.....and he said no. So, the abortion issue isnt a big deal for him. He's very close-mouthed about his motivations otherwise.

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