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Worst Member of Great Bands

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Definitely agree with the Wyman assessment. Richards played bass on several crucial recordings. Can't You Hear Me Knocking comes to mind...


Is Can't you hear me knocking an essential/crucial stones recording? I've never thought of it as one.


How about both Hall and Oates in their band?

Michael Bolton in his band?



Oh Wait it's great bands, never mind.


I'm gonna have to say Jizmak from GWAR.

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Adam Clayton. I see a bassist theme...


Pete Best.


Clayton is solid. But he's also one of the luckiest musicians alive. Along with Ringo. A mediocre musician hooked up with an amazing band.


Also, I stand by my Talbot-accusation. He once played the bass part to Old Man through Heart of Gold and vice versa. No good, no good.


If the Eagles had been a great band, Don Henley would qualify. He's a shitty drummer.


First off, The Eagles are a great band. Secondly, Henley's drumming fit the songs, and his voice is amazing.

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I may ruffle a few feathers here, but Garth Hudson of the Band sucked. He was a technically great player and when he played piano, came up with some great lines. However, his cheesy, out of tune synth sounds nearly ruin the entire catalog of The Band. I can't believe no one ever called him out on it. Really, just watch the Last Waltz and listen to him vomit all over Mannish Boy, Helpless, and well... pretty much everything.


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Is Can't you hear me knocking an essential/crucial stones recording? I've never thought of it as one.

For Stones basslines? Yes.


Edit: Oops! I was thinking of "Live with Me"


Here's the other Stones songs that Richards played bass instead of Wyman: (from wikipedia)


The rest of Richards' bass-playing contributions have been on bass guitar, on tracks including "Jumpin' Jack Flash" (1968), "Sympathy for the Devil" (1968), "Live With Me" (1969), "Before They Make Me Run" (1978), "Sleep Tonight" (1986) and "Brand New Car" (1994).
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A tricky one:

EdFromOhio in fIREHOSE


He was pretty good, sure. But next to Watt and Ed Hurley....

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Anyone who says Ringo was the weakest link in the Beatles deserves to burn in the fiery pits of Hell. There is no weak link in the Beatles, only the four strongest fucking links ever made in the history of music.


Just putting that out there right now, ya know. But Linda, Yoko, and rock star wives in general tainted great solo careers, I will admit that.

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Pavement - Bob Nastanovich



edit: eerie coincidence

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who the f is ed hurley?




I was thinking Ed.

But yeah, GEORGE Hurley.

Good catch.

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Clayton is solid. But he's also one of the luckiest musicians alive. Along with Ringo. A mediocre musician hooked up with an amazing band.


Also, I stand by my Talbot-accusation. He once played the bass part to Old Man through Heart of Gold and vice versa. No good, no good.




First off, The Eagles are a great band. Secondly, Henley's drumming fit the songs, and his voice is amazing.


You seem to be holding Adam Cayton and Ringo to a standard that you don't apply to Henley.

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A tricky one:

EdFromOhio in fIREHOSE


He was pretty good, sure. But next to Watt and Ed Hurley....


I feel guilty that that one crossed my mind. I refrained from posting it since I have a soft spot for Ed. Plus, he really did some amazing playing and singing with them, particularly on Flyin' the Flannel, Ragin' and the Totem Pole ep.


It's George Hurley, btw. (nevermind, i see that was corrected above)

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