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It's time for a New Election Thread

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saw almost the whole thing, purely by accidental channel surfing. very entertaining. McCain seemed like an entirely different person--actually had command of his own speaking...

agreed, and his speech was far funnier than Obama's. Better writers, better delivery.

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From a palin speech at a fundraiser in NC:

"And I, I begged our speech writers, 'Don't make me say 'Joe the Plumber,' please, in any speeches.' And I was asked, 'Just one time, just at this fund raiser,'" she recounted. "Just make sure people understand that we know what Joe the Plumber was talking about when he was confronting Barack Obama and saying, 'Wait a minute, aren't you going to take my money, take my earnings and give it to somebody else who maybe hadn't worked as hard as I have worked?'"


Therein lies the problem, These people fail to realize (or don

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Yeah, we get it. Frankly, I'm surprised you're so hung up on her.


She's on the f'ing ticket. She is an issue that McCain has failed on. Her behavior is becomeing more and more reminiscent of Bush and Cheney. Her being on the ballot raises serious issues abotu McCains judgement. Why would she not be a relevant topic for discussion?


Besides you absolutely ignnored the premise of the post which is the bolded sentence in the first full paragraph. Nice job of avoidance.

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Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom, in the pursuit of truth as in the endeavour after a worthy manner of life.



I don't know who wrote this but it fits this situation.

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It's interesting hearing Republicans I know who are resigned to defeat. One co-worker yesterday was bemoaning "on Nov. 4 this country is 'really' going to be in trouble."


It makes me wondering what sort of witch burning and boiling oil her fervent imagination is churning over.


Probably the same type that rationalizes its way out of the past eight years and the whole "Rovian" "ratfucker" approach to facts.

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I think it is hard not to be hung up on the idea of Sarah Palin. Speaking as a person, an American, I find it so troubling that a candidate who only speaks in catchphrases and colloquialisms (sp?) be allowed to do so on the national and, moreso, the world stage and still be considered abolutely ideal as a candidate for the highest office in the land. That's not me being elitist or whatever catchphrase umbrella-term, dumbing down the arguement way you wish to paint me as -- that's just how I feel. There is absolutely zero substance in anything I have ever heard Mrs. Palin say. I know that McCain and Obama both speak in political double talk frequently, but there is some substance every once in a while.


We have had 8 years with a president who has sounded - for lack of a better word - unintelligent on both the national and world stages. If we are still an alleged super power I just don't think that is ok. I think it is embarressing. Sarah Palin makes W look like a gifted orator.

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