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I should have been there. I bet right about this time I was eating a piece of toast over the sink and looking out the window. Shit!


Hope the toast was worth it Mr. Colorado! :ermm


I used to live in Lousiville back when food and paying the bills wasn't that important to me. Man, I miss Colorado. Think of me next time you eat @ Wahoos!

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John McCain would never hire a lawyer. Elitist snobs, all of them. He's getting Huck and Chuck to monitor election results for him.

Hound and Manson?

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I've heard McCain is mounting his own polling ethics committee. In each of his 13 houses a plumber named Joe will be stationed with a database on a supercomputer. There is:


Joe Calipelli- New Hampshire

Joe Blow- Western PA

Joe "Lame Duck" Koffman- Indiana

Joe "Double Wide" Lake- WY

Joe "Six Pack" Montgomery- NV Corrections Facility


The remaining eight Joes have yet to be picked. Hopefuls are still having a 'mini-primary' which includes Rotor-Rooter, and Cruller consumption. The swimsuit contest is on hold for weather issues.

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Either that or he knows something we don't. I see three scenarios:


1 - He cheats.

2 - October surprise.

3 - Obama wins.

#3 it is, although Al Qaeda, who supports McCain, could be there with a #2. I think there is too big a lead by Obama to get a #1.



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#3 it is, although Al Qaeda, who supports McCain, could be there with a #2. I think there is too big a lead by Obama to get a #1.




So did Al Jazeera officially endorse McCain?


I must have missed the announcement.

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So did Al Jazeera officially endorse McCain?


I must have missed the announcement.


No, but there was some news report that said that some sort of attack against the US would be nice because it would ensure a McCain presidency.

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Was that before or after Biden talked about the test Obama would face in the next year?


Talking about Al Qaeda supporting McCain is about as weak as calling Obama a closet Muslim trying to subvert the American way.

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Was that before or after Biden talked about the test Obama would face in the next year?


Talking about Al Qaeda supporting McCain is about as weak as calling Obama a closet Muslim trying to subvert the American way.


I don't remember when it was said in regards to what Biden said, but the article was posted in one of these threads.


Here's a link to the Washington Post article.



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From an article posted at: http://www.northstarwriters.com/ct123.htm


According to Associated Press, a web site frequented by Al Qaeda partisans is already buzzing about a pre-election terror attack as a way to usher in a John McCain presidency. Translated by SITE Intelligence Corp. in Bethesda, Md., postings to al Hesbah state that McCain is a better choice
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