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re: the bickering between mccain and palin aides, some are saying palin is looking to 2012 and some pundits are agreeing. has anyone read or seen anything real about this? even if she studies hard for four years, is there any way she will be able to convince people (aside from the charisma factor) that she has the "judgment" and knowledge of issues and grasp of big picture to actually win the republican presidential nomination in 2012? horrifying thought, and i hope it's just idle chatter.

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Sounds like it's time to create a third (or fourth, or fifth... ) party for these folks.

This seriously needs to happen in this country. I would sleep ever so much better at night.

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re: the bickering between mccain and palin aides, some are saying palin is looking to 2012 and some pundits are agreeing. has anyone read or seen anything real about this? even if she studies hard for four years, is there any way she will be able to convince people (aside from the charisma factor) that she has the "judgment" and knowledge of issues and grasp of big picture to actually win the republican presidential nomination in 2012? horrifying thought, and i hope it's just idle chatter.


If true, I'm not surprised, but she wouldn't even have a chance in winning, because the way the party is breaking up (and the fact that it's going to have to move away from the rampant evangelism that she personifies).

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My husband just sent me this picture from the side of a building in NYC.







omg where the hell is it?



also, I'm posting it on facebook. hope that's ok... :unsure

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Speaking of Northern Exposure, Janine Turner is on CNN right now speaking on behalf of Team Sara.



No wonder her career tanked.

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If we'd have LISTENED to Jimmy Carter, we would already have the post-oil future today, instead of being totally up Fucked River.

I wasn't around when this was posted, but THANK YOU DAN. :worship (Did we talk about this before?)


I DO remember the H2OGate hearings. I was around 12 and my folks were flippin out.


In other news - SURPRISE! The Leeb is now being quoted as making the comment "I've always respected Barack Obama. He's remarkable, intelligent, eloquent etc etc (blah blah blah)."


This man is so shameless in his desperation to be near the corridors of power it is truly sick-making. Hey Leeb - we REMEMBER you spewing vile insensitive shit at Barack back when you were tethered to McCain's side and thinking that somehow Mr. Maverick was gonna flip the bird to his base and anoint you with the VP slot (again). Now the ship looks to be sinking and you're gonna bail and declare yourself a 'True Democrat' again. Christ.


I can't shake the idea that The Leeb is the second coming of Triple H - he so obviously shares that sad neediness to be close to the action that, in the end, he really stands for nothing but pure politics. Exactly the kind of thing that must be exorcised from the Hill. The man's credibilty has fallen farther than the Dow Jones.

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Setting myself up for more ridicule here;


the people in the neighborhoods of the southside of Chicago count him as one of their own, unlike a few mamby pamby liberals who feel Barack simply doesn't represent them or the odd Wilco fan here on VC.





Heavens, man, you have to realize not everyone is from Chicago and not everyone on this board likes every incarnation of Wilco.


I had a dream last night that I was staying in a hostel with a bunch of people who post here (I think they were people who post in the Wilco part of the board and/or people I don't really like) and it was in LA and we were all going to a weekend full of Wilco shows, only the entire time I kept asking myself "why are you doing this...you don't even like Wilco?" and then since it was in LA Miss Y was supposed to show up and I was actually looking forward to seeing her because she would have been the only person in my dream that I liked (aside from me, who I love) but then when she finally showed up it wasn't her but instead it was some random woman I know from work who lives in AZ and I would be ok never seeing again in my entire life. The dream ended up being ok though because I sat at a beach bar (the hostel was right on the beach) with Randy Jackson (from American Idol) drinking beer and I woke up before I had to see the Wilco show that was happening in my dream LA.


We're on the first name basis with the guy now? Most people here don't even have the cojones to write anything but "Mr. Tweedy." And in a prior post you said something along the lines about Obama not really being all that despite being a far better candidate that McCain, so how can you characterize it as a 'few mamby pamby liberals' who don't feel he represents their views?

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I'm not sure what that means, since I post about five times a week and don't really follow the day-to-day minutiae of teh VC.

I'm pretty much going to post what I want, though if you don't like it you can ignore me or hit the report button.

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