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The Annual Thanksgiving Give-Thanks-Here Thread

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This year, I'm thankful for our new President-elect. No, he won't be perfect, but yes, he gives me hope. And I'm thankful that this election happened during my lifetime. It's always good to get a proud-of-America moment for the holidays. :)


I'm thankful for the Wilco residency shows, and the chance to see so many cool people at those shows. Knowing you all on-line is good fun, meeting you in person is a revelation (usually in a good way!).


I'm thankful for Paul Auster, Tobias Wolff, David Foster Wallace, the Buffy comics, Carla Bozulich, New York City, documentary filmmakers, Sarah Vowell, David Sedaris, Monticello, Lynda Barry, the Singing Nerd, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, butternut squash, Stephen Colbert, illdoctrine.com, and surviving my high school reunion.


I'm thankful for a whole pack of beautiful babies born to my friends this year, and over the past few years.


Even though we still miss her very much, I'm thankful that my grandmother's death was peaceful.


I'm thankful that I got to know the lovely St. Genevieve during her time here, and I'm thankful to everyone who participated in the charity donations in her memory, or who shared your memories of her here on VC.


And as always, I'm thankful for my wonderful family, and that fact that we've all managed to stay relatively patient with each other during a time when most people's families would be slapping each other silly (or, so most people tell me).


And I'm looking forward to the new year, and just a bit less happy-family-togetherness than we had this year. :dancing

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I am thankful for the following....

  • Music
  • The friends that have actually stuck by me through this year
  • My guitars
  • My cats
  • Finding a new job
  • The wonderful musicians I am playing with these days
  • The live version of "Radio Cure" from Kicking Television (pretty specific with that last one, but it got me through a really rough night last night, haunted by memories).

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I'm so thankful for finally having a good relationship with my family. It wasn't too long ago that my mom and I couldn't talk about much without either of us getting too angry...but this year has been so different. I haven't had a serious fight with my mom since January, and I'm at home almost every weekend. It's a good feeling to realize that it's cool to love your family. :wub


I'm also thankful for my wonderful friends. I've been so poor these past few months, and even though a couple of these people haven't been in my life for very long, they all are so generous--feeding me, buying my beer, looking out for me. I can only hope that they feel that I take care of them like they take care of me. Case in point: Tamala was awesome [duh] and gave me a couple of rides to shows. Thanks! :cheers


I'm thankful for the fact that I didn't have to pay for my new Crackbook. Thanks for losing my laptop, DHL!


What else...I suppose I'm thankful for my job and that it's still rather secure. I wouldn't trade anything for having the job I have, even if there is a lot of silly b.s. that comes with it. It pays the bills, dern it!


And of course, I'm thankful for our new President. I can't wait to see what happens!



There is plenty more to be thankful for, but it's not what you want to hear. Perhaps TMI.

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I am most thankful for the love of my family and my friends, with which I can get through anything.

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I am thankful for my loving husband who takes very good care of me.


I am thankful for the wonderful school that I have the privledge to attend.


I am thankful for the job that I have and the roof over my head.


I am thankful for my loving family and friends.


I am thankful for the Catskill mountains.


I am thankful for my precious kitty Pookie



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I am thankful for...




music particularly this band known as Wilco

my friends who I couldn't get through life without

my family

the fact that I have a roof over our heads, a job and food to put on the table

the President-elect


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I too am thankful the election turned out the way I wanted it to!


for the continued support and companionship of my awesome old friends.

for the exciting potential in new friendships.

for having grown the balls I needed to take control of my life.

for free food, because I'd be really hungry with out it.

for my family, especially my dad who would give me his last dollar if I needed it and my girl-spawn who continues to send my heart into overdrive with so much incredible love. :wub

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I am very thankful for many things, especially the following:


Family - My parents, who always gave me enough rope to hang myself, who never judged me, and who always gave me good advice (even in the days when I didn't listen). And especially Mom - a music junkie who indulged her son with a lifetime of records. My wife, who for some inexplicable reason continues to love me, and the kids who keep me young at heart. And even these brain-dead hounds - I love 'em even though they make me batshit much of the time.


Friends - Many of them I have been best buds with for well over 30 years. They've seen me at my highest (no kidding! :stunned ) and lowest and have always been there for me with a good laugh, a cold beer, and other things I probably can't mention on a family-type forum. :lol


Music - I think it goes without saying that without music life would be a long flat expanse of grey area. Music also brought me to VC (sorry about THAT you guys :yay ) - and I have made many warm and wonderful relationships here.


Health - It's not just a cliche' to say if you don't have this, you have next to nothing. I never thought I'd live to see this ripe old age, but here I am - for the most part sane and fit.


And lastly - working to get those I don't agree with out of our representative democracy and electing someone that gives me hope for the future.


Happy Holidays VC! :cheekkiss

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I am thankful


- that my daughter is still alive (which is sort of a miracle)

- that my parents have been released from the threat my brother's addiction was to their life, and that he found peace at last

- for my 2 cousins who are closer to me than my brothers ever were

- for having possibly found my dream job (too early to really be able to judge, but still)

- for being able to see Jeff in Mallorca, which was a moment to make peace with this horrible year

- for a certain messageboard that was only founded this year but brings me so much joy, and most of all for the people on there (you know who you are :wub)


- and most importantly for the only love of my life, for the best decision I've ever made, for the person that makes every second of every single day worth living, for the best friend I've ever had, for the only human being (except my Dad) that has never disappointed, betrayed or lied to me - Rob :love

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Great sentiments from all above -- I couldn't say it any better re: family, friends, work, and ... music!


This link courtesy "yim yames" of MMJ and seems fitting today! :dancing :wub :dancing


Have a groovy day!



William Devaughn - "Be Thankful For What You

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I am thankful for my loving husband who has been so awesome to me through thick and thin, for being here for me through the last nine months with this back injury. I could have never asked for a better man to spend the rest of my life with.


I am thankful for the three beautiful children I have been blessed with. They have all grown into lovely adults, I couldn't be more proud.


I am thankful for all my friends the old ones that have been here for me for years, and the new ones I have met in the last few years here in our own hometown and on this board, I know most of you know Mt. Bed better than myself, but you don't know how much your friendships mean to him and I.


In closing I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and are blessed with being in the company of your loving families today. :cheekkiss

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I'm thankful for the good people I have met through VC (and the bad), for my wife and sons, our old dog and our new cat. I'm grateful that for the first time in 8 years, I don't have to wake up every morning thinking I'm living in BizarroLand. I'm grateful that black children, ALL children, can look up to the highest office in the land and see that the sky is the limit. I'm grateful for hope, and how it spreads. I'm grateful for the fun and friendships I have made over the past year by connecting my art with poets, musicians, dancers and dreamers. I'm thankful that art and community are really coming to life here in our town, and I am ecstatic to be a part of it. I'm thankful that my Dad's Alzheimer's is going slow, and that he is still a joy and a card. I'm thankful that my uncle's stroke only kept him down for a few days, and that he is coming to town today, even though we'll have to carve our own goddam turkey! I'm thankful for another sunny day.

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The past year was brutal to me in many ways and brought life-altering changes to my life that was filled with some very dark times. I have lots to be thankful for.


I'm thankful for the shitty year that has helped open my heart and eyes to what matters to me.


I'm thankful for my three boys who bring love, serenity, and giggling into my life while simultaneously, at times, having the innate ability to drive me nuts.


I'm thankful for my ex-wife, even, who has helped me to put what's important into perspective. And for her friendship.


I'm also thankful for friends new and old and the collective ear they've lent and support they've given me.


Also for my dog Banjo who doesn't give a shit how I live my life as long as I'm kind to him.


I'm thankful for my house to keep me warm, my legs to take me to the bus stop everyday, and the job that awaits me when I arrive. I'm thankful for my students who I can share laughter with with.


Lastly, I'm thankful for discovering methods to slowing down my life and being able to stop and notice the good around me.

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I am grateful for my family.


I am grateful for the hope this year has brought.


I am so grateful to be alive in all the beauty that is our modern world. (As P Hood says "It's great to be alive".)


I am grateful for all the amazing music I saw this year and the wonderful friends that accompanied me. (especially Richardo, the Gardners, Wendy and my niece Haley). :cheekkiss


So Grateful that my Mom got to cast her "most important vote in my life" in the Blue State of Indiana.


I am grateful for my job that allows me to be in nature everyday.


and of course I am grateful for VC for the laughs, the insight and the music you guys are an inspiration. :thumbup

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Guest Speed Racer

Oh SNAP! I just saw a hardcore fight (with actual shoving!) over the last package of butter at Walgreen's! :lol I took my cream cheese and left, thank you. So - grateful I dodged that bullet!


I am grateful for my job. I love what I do, and I wear jeans to work EVERY DAY. Unless I'm wearing cargo pants. :lol So far so good, but given that my job requires that our clients have employees, I'm keeping myself ready for the worst while still trying to live in the now. Extra-grateful that my usually-crippling worry hasn't completely permeated my life.


I am not only grateful for my family, I am grateful that I really, truly know that I love and appreciate them; I am just as grateful that I'm pretty sure they can tell.


I am grateful that I have friends, and that my friends are as wonderful as they are. I'm surprised at how many I seem to have sometimes, and I'm glad I can recognize that now.


I am grateful for my attitude. Aforementioned crippling worry aside, 99% of my days are filled with this bizarre, calm optimism that is extremely pleasant to live in, not so bubbly that I or others hate myself, but evident enough that I'm known as "the one who isn't bothered by anything" at work, and that my family and friends have actually told me I seem patient these days.

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