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Lonoong SONGS that you wish would go on even longer

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Normally, I'm not a big fan of long songs. Because, usually they are just wankfests with pointless jamming and shit. Boring.



"Tender" by Blur

At 8:00 long, it is still far too short. I can listen to that one forever.

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I doubt there's a single song longer than five or six minutes that I wish would go on longer. All good things must come to an end eventually, and the longer they go on, the greater the chance that they'll cease to be good.

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my favorite songs never end.


Ditto. There are a lot of tunes I wish were longer just because they're too short. "The Wheel" by the GD comes nto mind as do several Clash tunes.


"The Core" by Clapton comes to mind on the long tunes being longer point. That song could never end and I'd listen. In terms of "pointless jamfests": I'll never understand this. If a musician has extended/free-form playing in a tune then that's not pointless but rather the intent. I understand it's not for everybody but saying it doesn't serve a purpose kind of goes disagrees with the intent of the musician, imo.

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Yeah, personally I'd have to strongly disagree on that one. The na-na-na-na-na-na part at the end is already about three minutes too long.


i despise that song.



good long songs:


Boris - 'Feedbacker' (pts 1 through 5 really constitute a ~45 min song)

Sleep - 'Dopesmoker' (52 minutes of stoner heaven)

Velvet Underground - 'Sister Ray' (probably the earliest example of extreme minimalism and primal energy in the long format)

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I'm thinking that if Verlaine's guitar solo went on for an extra 2 minutes or so during

"Marquee Moon" (Television)

it would not be a bad thing in the least.

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i wish topographic oceans was a triple quadruple album...on album for each piece:)






Ritual could go on a bit longer - the live version spills out over two sides!

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Ritual could go on a bit longer - the live version spills out over two sides!


man, i still love the much-maligned topographic oceans


yeah, there's some filler but also tons of incredible stuff in there


as a 14-year-old it blew me away like no other record ever has


i don't think i've ever heard anything quite like it


must be the densest record i've ever heard

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man, i still love the much-maligned topographic oceans


yeah, there's some filler but also tons of incredible stuff in there


as a 14-year-old it blew me away like no other record ever has


i don't think i've ever heard anything quite like it


must be the densest record i've ever heard

I totally agree. It's not "Close To The Edge", but that's not really fair. CTTE is arguably the greatest Prog LP of all time.

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Isn't it a Pity

New York City Serenade

Diamond Dust

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