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The whole talking at shows thing...

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Wilco has been on my playlist for a long time. However, Jeff Tweedy's 2006 You Tube rant directed at the talkers made me a huge fan! While you can't control the actions of others, you can help make them aware of your wishes. We started a FB group less then two days ago that has close to 900 "likes" already! We have grand plans, stickers, business cards, T-shirts, etc...


Here is the vision, let me know what you think...


Listen, it's not you, it’s me. This is all about me. This is my thing. I look forward to shows as soon as dates get announced. It's often the highlight of my year. All I’m asking is for the opportunity to do it my way. Please save your commentary, stories, or intoxicated ramblings for set break or whenever the lights come up. There is NOTHING you have to say to me while my band is on stage that is more important then what is in my head during that moment. I get three hours with the music, please don't deprive me of that! Eye contact and a smile is all the communication we need. If you really need a sip of my water, I’m there for you. Otherwise, please leave me alone while the music is playing. In turn, I’ll do the same and we will have a really amazing time. I understand that I sound like a selfish asshole, but I’m totally okay with that. Judge me if you want, but again, PLEASE don't mess with MY experience.





Enjoy the music,


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You mean the word "than" rather than "then". Not to go all Grammar Police on you. :)


I understand your sentiment. Sometimes the talkers choose the absolute worst moments to express themselves! Could you also include a line about people who insist on starting a clapalong on songs that just aren't clapalongable, and the beauty of which is covered up in the loud, ill-fitting clapping? I don't mean rockers where Jeff encourages clapping, and it fits and it's fun...I mean, clapping along with things like "She's A Jar" or "Reservations". What?


But maybe it's just me. who doesn't like it. :shrug

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I have to admit, I like what you're trying to do but am skeptical of your chance of success. I just recently told (probably re-told) my 12-year-old son the story of me hearing the opening chords to "The Lonely 1" at a Wilco show couple of years ago and thinking I was about to have a religious experience. Instead, the three guys in front of me talked from beginning to end and just made me have murderous thoughts. Fortunately, I was sane enough to realize that a) I'm 5-8, 165 lbs and they were all 6-0+, 200+ lbs. and b ) I am one and they were three. My bloody corpse would no doubt been found in the alley next to the theater. (While I understand most Wilco fans are "not the most intimidating people" to paraphrase Jeff Tweedy, these guys appeared to be bigger fans of beer and public attention than Wilco.

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I am so with you on this. I HATE talking at shows and I had no problem telling this rather large man to shut the hell up at this year's Solid Sound. He kept yelling for people to put the umbrellas down over and over and over. It was raining and yes, the umbrellas were in the way but his constant shouting was way more disruptive to the show than the people trying to keep dry with their umbrellas. He could have clobbered me but instead he politely shut up for which I was grateful.


Also, Wilco played Radio Cure which for me was a magical moment but two dudes next to me decided that this was a great time to have a conversation with each other. I nearly lost it. I didn't drive all the way to Solid Sound and then stand in the pouring rain to have this beautiful moment ruined! The conversation can wait until after the show. What the hell is wrong with people?

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I have no problem with whooping, random cheers, clapping along, singing along... stuff like that. Concerts should be a fun, social experience and if someone enjoys them by doing that kind of stuff, more power to them (even if their off-key singing or poor rhythm annoys me a little).


What I don't have any tolerance for is talking, texting, tweeting, posting to FB, etc. during a show. Like Jeff said in that Sunken Treasure clip - why are you even there?

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Hey Hoodoo,


I'm 5'8, 165lb as well! We are passing out DTTM stickers, and business cards (which explain the concept) at an upcoming festival. Check out the fb page and track our progress, hopefully we'll find some success. At the very least there should be some entertaining stories! There is strength in numbers, surround yourself with like minded people and take control of your experience! :guitar

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All I can say is you people are so lucky you were not at the Ottawa Folk Festival last night. Sooooooooo many people carrying on conversations during acts. Not shouting out requests. Not whopping. Not texting Carrying out ongoing conversations. And at least in my opinion, both acts I saw (Hawksley Workman and Justin Townes Earle) were pretty friggin' engaging.


Go to a bar, save yourself the ticket price, and let those of us there to see the show enjoy the show.

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Also, Wilco played Radio Cure which for me was a magical moment but two dudes next to me decided that this was a great time to have a conversation with each other. I nearly lost it. I didn't drive all the way to Solid Sound and then stand in the pouring rain to have this beautiful moment ruined! The conversation can wait until after the show. What the hell is wrong with people?


Yeah, night 1 was rough. With the rain muffling the sound, I could hear the drunk guys around me (why always guys singing over the singer?) more clearly than I could hear Jeff. Thankfully, night 2 was all I could ever hope for in a Wilco show.

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Also, Wilco played Radio Cure which for me was a magical moment but two dudes next to me decided that this was a great time to have a conversation with each other. I nearly lost it. I didn't drive all the way to Solid Sound and then stand in the pouring rain to have this beautiful moment ruined! The conversation can wait until after the show. What the hell is wrong with people?

I completely agree. BUT it's ironic that we'd be discussing THIS song at THIS show in THIS context, because the crowd participation actually led to one of the most beautiful moments of the night. I'm not going to run afoul of our rules by posting a direct link to a performance here, but you can search over at youtube for wilco radio cure solid sound and the first video that comes up is a 3:27 recording of the song, uploaded by JAK2112. The PA cuts out and the crowd picks right up and keeps it going. It was a magical moment.

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I too cannot stand the talkers. If all you want to do is drink and talk to your friends there are plenty of other places you can do so without paying admission. At the very least, please stay in the back of the venue.


When I go to a concert the only people I care about are the ones on stage. In fact, at GA shows my companions usually disappear after a couple songs to drift around the venue while I stand as close to the stage as possible. I kinda like it that way. :blush


The only exception is when there's one of those great moments when I find myself surrounded by an audience that is clearly as absorbed in the music as I am. But that cannot happen if the people next to me are deep in conversation.

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I am so with you on this. I HATE talking at shows and I had no problem telling this rather large man to shut the hell up at this year's Solid Sound. He kept yelling for people to put the umbrellas down over and over and over. It was raining and yes, the umbrellas were in the way but his constant shouting was way more disruptive to the show than the people trying to keep dry with their umbrellas. He could have clobbered me but instead he politely shut up for which I was grateful.


Also, Wilco played Radio Cure which for me was a magical moment but two dudes next to me decided that this was a great time to have a conversation with each other. I nearly lost it. I didn't drive all the way to Solid Sound and then stand in the pouring rain to have this beautiful moment ruined! The conversation can wait until after the show. What the hell is wrong with people?

I was right near that umbrella guy, too. He was annoying. More annoying was the person who yelled at him to "Shut the f%#$ up!" several times, as I had three young kids with me.

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I agree with you about how horrible behavior it is to talk through music at a concert.


Unfortunately, I'd like to add another offensive behavior found at concerts: farting.


This was a serious problem at the Aspen, Colorado show last year. Maybe it was the high-altitude flatulence problem combined with ingesting too many beans or falafels or something, but some dude (of course it was a dude, are you kidding me? No female would ever let loose with something that foul in public). Once was bad enough, but then it kept happening every few minutes for several songs. I could tell others noticed, of course, by the painful expressions on their faces and the fanning their noses in a vain attempt to get the putrid odor away quicker, but no one would say anything. I got so pissed off, I shouted loudly "Who ever is farting, knock it the hell off, you're being completely rude and ruining the show for everyone around you. No one wants to smell your noxious butt wind!". No one 'fessed up, of course, but either they had passed all the gas in their colon or they decided to show some restraint and we had to deal with fart smell no longer for the rest of the show.


And it was still one of the best rock shows I've ever been to.

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I was right near that umbrella guy, too. He was annoying. More annoying was the person who yelled at him to "Shut the f%#$ up!" several times, as I had three young kids with me.


You realize that you took the kids to a rock concert, not Disney on Ice, right?

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I agree with you about how horrible behavior it is to talk through music at a concert.


Unfortunately, I'd like to add another offensive behavior found at concerts: farting.


This was a serious problem at the Aspen, Colorado show last year. Maybe it was the high-altitude flatulence problem combined with ingesting too many beans or falafels or something, but some dude (of course it was a dude, are you kidding me? No female would ever let loose with something that foul in public). Once was bad enough, but then it kept happening every few minutes for several songs. I could tell others noticed, of course, by the painful expressions on their faces and the fanning their noses in a vain attempt to get the putrid odor away quicker, but no one would say anything. I got so pissed off, I shouted loudly "Who ever is farting, knock it the hell off, you're being completely rude and ruining the show for everyone around you. No one wants to smell your noxious butt wind!". No one 'fessed up, of course, but either they had passed all the gas in their colon or they decided to show some restraint and we had to deal with fart smell no longer for the rest of the show.


And it was still one of the best rock shows I've ever been to.


Hilarious. I've been there so many times. Nothing like trying to rock out while the putrid smell of rotten egg farts infiltrates your nostrils like a force of green berets...or brown berets.

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