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Art of Almost

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Perhaps it'll sound different when the official release comes out. There's no guarantee that the captured stream is the final mix of the record.

Really? I would be surprised if what Wilco itself streamed from its website isn't exactly what's going to be on the record. Unless, of course, they get on VC and have second thoughts based on comments. :o :o Not likely--this album doesn't have anything on it that seems to have caused us to rise up in mass protest!

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Guest Speed Racer

Yeah, a stream the first week of September is not going to be a different mix than the album being released three weeks later. Do you think they're going to mix again and press a bazillion records and CDs in three weeks?

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Guest Speed Racer

Oh. Either way I can confirm there wasn't one in my pre-order package.


I'm still not sure how I feel about Almost. It sounds like Jeff singing on another band's track sometimes, and I don't know that I think the second half matches well with the first, though I do appreciate that they gave us both.


I completely disagree with the criticism of John's bass playing on this track. I think he hits every single song out of the park.

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Yeah, a stream the first week of September is not going to be a different mix than the album being released three weeks later. Do you think they're going to mix again and press a bazillion records and CDs in three weeks?

There absolutely is.




I believe I meant to say something else entirely. Apologies for my minced words. To correct myself: the mix of the stream is final. The recording of said stream, a low-quality version of the album, probably doesn't sound the way the CD, vinyl or mp3 will when the official release comes out, played through a good system with good speakers. People's feedback or opinions about a guitar tone or the level of bass, based on a stream, could very well change when they hear a better-quality version of the record.

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Hey there, long time lurker- first time poster.


I thought I should chime in here on this particular thread. I've been reading everyone's responses to the album and I agree with a lot of it- It's great. I haven't really stopped listening to it. But what I don't understand is the praise that everyone is giving Art of Almost? Am I the only who thinks this is a half-baked song? For me it's easily one of, if not the weakest songs on the album. When I watched the 'Almost' teaser that was released not long ago I was ecstatic, I was the most excited I'd been for an album in a long, long time, let a lone a Wilco record.


The first half of the song is great. I enjoy it (bar the intro where the strings come in- sounds a bit tacky to me), but it's all down hill from there.. the guitar playing throughout the outro may well be the most extreme thing Nels has put on a Wilco recording but it fails to get to where it should go, whether or not it's the level of his guitar in the mix I don't know, but it seems to fall short of the mark and is no where near the most interesting thing he's recorded with the band.


My biggest beef with the outro however is John's bass playing. His playing is flawless throughout the first half of this song and the rest of the album for that matter, but his playing during the outro is really what ruins it for me (eg, the slide he does at the 6:12 mark). It sounds sloppy as hell. At points it sounds like he's hitting dud notes (whenever he slides). Sure they might be correct as far as musical theory is concerned, but it sounds wrong to me. Maybe for me this is just one part of the record where they shouldn't have put his bass so high in the mix.


Anyway, that's all I've got to say. Great record but I don't get all the excitement over this track.


To each their own, but I think you're hearing it differently than most others (or at least differently than I am).


It's chaos at 1000mph - in my view there should be a little sloppiness, a little danger. The outro isn't about having everything in its right place, it's about pushing the song faster and further until it almost unravels, and then drawing it back in at the close. It's an approach that the band has taken on several other songs in the past, but none of them have sounded quite like this. I'm excited about it because I honestly though that Wilco was done making that kind of music.


The outro reminds me of Songs for the Deaf-era Queens of the Stone Age.

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Friends, it is clear to all that The Visitors from the Abba has the full ancestor effect to this song. It has same intro segment of electronic moody - even if Mr Benny and Mr Bjorn in themself fashion make the tipping hat to the fart fart fart on der autobahn of the Kraftwerk combo (who make big mistake in reject to the sequin for style boost). And after all is paranoid and shifty in same feature then follows energy explosion similarity - though Mr Jeff Tweedy forget full effect of the cymbal at end for conducive feel for the stomp party and Mr Nels fierce speed version of guitar solo as from The Eagle finale has the overdone tempo for the coordinate of those who have made plenty time with schnapps - for who has not at end of stomp party, no? These are quiblings as always when in comparison with untouchable style of the Abba, but I send congrats to Mr Jeff Tweedy as being star pupil from current pop times who carry mantle of the lemon flares to next generate in your land. We expect special boots party in two weeks when village shop has special skidoo delivery of new pop platter - with three skidoo in full load of the schnapps to accompany ha ha! Happiness for all for sure and dangerous time to be a handsome husky as we say in Sweden!



No one could have said it better. This.

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And one other thought on this song. When I first heard it it was a skip track. Now it is a replay. Reminds me of old REM stuff. The first REM song on the first five or six albums was like a warning shot. They opened with it on tour, it set the tone of the album, and it was always classic. Like I said, first couple times I hit skip, now I hit replay.

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There's a live video of this song on youtube now. Its mostly of jeff and the side of a girl's head.


Thanks for the heads up. I've been hoping to see that. Crappy quality but...still it sounds like it's pretty amazing live. Can't wait for Summerstage.

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Friends, it is clear to all that The Visitors from the Abba has the full ancestor effect to this song. It has same intro segment of electronic moody - even if Mr Benny and Mr Bjorn in themself fashion make the tipping hat to the fart fart fart on der autobahn of the Kraftwerk combo (who make big mistake in reject to the sequin for style boost). And after all is paranoid and shifty in same feature then follows energy explosion similarity - though Mr Jeff Tweedy forget full effect of the cymbal at end for conducive feel for the stomp party and Mr Nels fierce speed version of guitar solo as from The Eagle finale has the overdone tempo for the coordinate of those who have made plenty time with schnapps - for who has not at end of stomp party, no? These are quiblings as always when in comparison with untouchable style of the Abba, but I send congrats to Mr Jeff Tweedy as being star pupil from current pop times who carry mantle of the lemon flares to next generate in your land. We expect special boots party in two weeks when village shop has special skidoo delivery of new pop platter - with three skidoo in full load of the schnapps to accompany ha ha! Happiness for all for sure and dangerous time to be a handsome husky as we say in Sweden!




No one could have said it better. This.


No one else could have even said it, let alone say it better!



Welfare to Lotti!

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I just... I can't get over the insanity of this song. It makes me feel funny inside. I'm usually laughing with tears in my eyes by the end - is that what delirium feels like?

  • How do you create a frenzied masterpiece like this?
  • How does this song get born without shifting the earth's axis?
  • I should not be allowed to drive while listening to this
  • This should have been the title track
  • Would it be weird to have it played at my funeral?
  • I think it should be played twice at shows. It's a great opener, but then it's over. I think they should open and close every show with it.
  • I would like to see a mosh pit break out towards the end of the song. I need to mosh one more time in my life and I'd like it to be to this.

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Listening to this song over and over and love it even more. There is a Pink Floyd, Flaming Lips feel to this, but it wraps up in classic Wilco style. I thnik this is the Fort Sumpter of this album, a shot over the bow that announces that the criticism is off base and welcome to Wilco. I can't wait to hear this one live at the Civic Opera in Chicago.

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Killer stuff...it's been a LONG trip from Box Full of Letters to here...

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Is the Eliot Eston SG something Jeff plays a lot live? Thats a purty guitar.


Also I think Glenn is usually on the acrylic set instead of the tigerstripe Delites. I hear a kind of African influence to the first half rhythm maybe that's why.


Whatever the case

dangerous time to be a handsome husky
couldn't be more true Lotti.
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