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Band lead singers you met? Friendly, not friendly? Impressions?

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In 1987, The Georgia Satellites were very important to me. I saw them in a small club (The Channel) in Boston on a hot summer night. I came out of that packed show soaked in spilled beer and sweat (my own and that of the folks around me, gross, I know, but the intensity of the rock 'n' roll experience made me not care). It remains one of the best rock shows I've ever been to.


Before the Satellites came on, I was listening to the opening band (I don't remember who they were) and this tall dude came up beside me and was rocking out, smiling, way into it and leaned over to me to say "these guys are really good". It turned out to be Dan Baird, lead singer of the Satellites. It floored me to see that "the star" was really just a fan of good music, just like me. I was instantly impressed with his down-to-earth nature and my respect for him went way up. And that was before they even took the stage. It was a damn dirty shame when that band broke up.

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Hung out with Mason Jennings (thanks to my girl) after a Philly show like 5 years ago & he couldn't have been more chill and really interested in our conversation.


I haven't talked to Bruce myself, but being from Monmouth County NJ, some family & friends have....all those accounts confirm the great things folks have said about Bruce since the beginning....


Pavement dudes are nice.


Totally...Mark & Bobby Nasty especially!

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  • 4 weeks later...

As he sings lead on some songs, I guess that Tobin Sprout (GBV) qualifies.


My inlaws have a place up in northern Michigan, near Traverse City, where we visit them a couple of times a year. Occasionally we'll take day trips to a couple of cute little towns of the other side of the bay from them: Leland and Sutton's Bay. Leland, in particular, is something of an artists' colony with lots of artist-owned galleries and such.

A few years ago I noticed a sign for "Petrified Fish Gallery: The Art of Tobin Sprout."

Being a huge GBV fan, I had to check it out to see if it was actually his work. It was, but the door was locked and a sign on the door said "Back in 5 minutes." Then Toby came up behind me, excused himself, and unlocked the door. He was a lot taller than I would have expected him to be -- well over 6 feet.

Anyway, he just kinda sat there quietly while my son and I checked out his amazing (photorealistic) paintings. I told him that I was a huge fan of his music and his art (both are true) and he just smiled and thanked me politely. I imagine that this happens periodically.

There was nothing there that we could afford, but we bought a couple of little postcards as souveniers. Seemed like a nice guy but didn't really have the chance to chat him up with my kids there.

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Gruff Rhys is the nicest musician I've ever met. He's always willing to talk, and he genuinely seems interested in doing so. I saw him play a solo show last night and we talked for a bit after the show. He remembered me from our conversation last year. Even when he was packing up gear he won't hesitate to talk to fans. Couldn't be more approachable and kind. Fantastic dude.

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  • 1 month later...

I very briefly met Liam Gallagher last year and he was actually very nice. I ran into him on the street in Boston after a show and he took a second to stop and say hello.


I actually believe Liam is a nice dude if he is in a laid back place. He seems like suck a jerk in the news etc but I am sure he is chill away from the camera...Where you able to understand him through the thick accent? :guitar

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this gave me the biggest laugh. i love rhett so much.


also the first time i met jeff i said "hey jeff" and he said "you're SarahC!" it was sweet.


how did he know you were SarahC?


Got another yesterday! He said Blur should be coming to the US in 2013. He mentioned they were going to play MSG last year but the renovations put the plans on hold!






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  • 1 month later...

Good to hear that Al is nice. A lot of those funny guys can be real assholes when you actually meet 'em.

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I'm also a member of a Randy Newman fansite, Little Criminals, which includes lots of LA area residents. One of the moderators is a close friend of Weird Al's, and apparently he's a genuinely good guy. I've found some of his parodies really funny, others not so much.


Speaking of Randy Newman, I don't know if he qualifies as a band lead singer, but I've had the honor of meeting him personally a couple of times backstage. (If you're a Little Criminal, you can get "on the list" by notifying the moderator beforehand.) He's always been warm and friendly and makes a point of speaking with everyone in an informal, personal way. He's every bit as smart and witty as you'd expect him to be. His onstage persona is pretty close to the real thing.

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how did he know you were SarahC?


He knew I was coming to the show because some mutual friends told him the night before in a different town, and then some friends at the show gave me a backstage pass on his behalf. :) I was lucky.


Met Rufus Wainwright this weekend. I think I am even more in love with him now... in that completely platonic way that a person can be in love with a singer... he was genuine and nice and actually seemed interested in what I had to say.



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did you go to the ICA thing? if so, how was it?

i chatted about baseball w/ them at the Middle East a few years back.

Yes, it was the ICA thing. It was both great and disappointing. I enjoyed the movie and their soundtrack was really fantastic. I was in the front row so they were right there.

But it was only a little over an hour and it was frustrating knowing YLT were there and I couldn't see more of them ...

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cryp doesn't meet and tell.


I've met a few. My biggest gaffe was back-stage at a small theatre drunkenly mentioning to Jorma about his prominent brow. Eek.


At least you didnt mention his tattooed earlobes......right? Right!??

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