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Michelle Shocked - born again, homophobic bigot?

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She's had a history of instability. I saw her at Newport Folk Festival many years ago--probably late 90's-early 2000's--and her set was very erratic. She showed up late and went off on long winding tangents. It seemed like the other musicians on the stage kept trying to prod her back on point again by starting up the music, and she would start playing again but then stop and start back on the rants. There was a lot of head scratching in the audience as well as on stage. As far as I could tell at that point, though, it wasn't anything hateful or political, just random peace and love stuff.

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She is now born again, which instead of meaning she is now more committed to social justice, the oppressed and the poor, she is simply another right wing idiot.  Thanks Michelle. 



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  On 3/19/2013 at 1:41 PM, uncool2pillow said:

I know exactly one of her songs.  Anchorage.  I think it's an absolutely fantastic song.  I enjoyed it in the past, I will enjoy it again.  Strange that how much I admire that song, I never pursued her music beyond it.

Exactly this.


Disappointed in her right now, though.

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I loved Short Sharp Shocked.  I had it on a cassette taped from a friend's album.  Something my friend said a month ago reminded me of Anchorage so I went and bought it off of iTunes.  If I knew now what I knew then she would've never have gotten my money.  


On a related note, I saw her at the House of Blues in Boston when it was in Cambridge, 1997-98?  I'm not sure which year.  But it was an amazing concert!  Exuberant and fun.  She lead a conga line through the crowd.


I'm so disappointed.

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Yeah, that Arkansas Traveller album from 1991 was the only one of hers I liked. She recorded it in different unusual studios all over the country with different well known folk and roots musicians. When she toured for it, Uncle Tupelo was supposed to be an opener and kind be her band, too, I think. By the time the tour got to my town, or maybe even before it started, UT had backed out and I think they split up shortly after that. I'd guess somebody here could elaborate on that history?


I, too, am digusted with what she's become.

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The story seemed to be that they didn't get along.  It was a bit of a big break for them to be on that tour, but they did back out.  Maybe someone knows more gory details.


I have that album and remember liking it at the time.  I liked her alot through that period. 



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Yea, you really can't even say this kind of stuff in jest, a la Michael Richards.  Clearly she wasn't trying to be funny, so now her tour dates are drying up.  There was one scheduled here in Evanston that was just canceled this morning.  If there is a right wing religious circuit I guess that will have to be what she plays now, since the hippie/hipster/leftwing folkie venues are not going to want her.



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This gets sadder and sadder. Apparently, she came out as a lesbian in 1990, but then became a born-again later. I wonder if she went through some kind of "pray away the gay" retraining? And now she's out there saying this stuff.

She's very talented, but obviously very tormented as well. And she just cut off her own fanbase. :(

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Wasn't she actually married awhle back?  She be crazy I guess.  Really it is sad.  This is probably a mental health/chemical imbalance thing.


It's kind of interesting  on a human level.  Yesterday was a weird day.  This story which was clearly shocking and upsetting on one level and the death of Jason Molina was also shocking and upsetting as well for what could well be exactly the same kind of issue manifest in a very different sense.  Addiction is also an illness which resulted in Jason's untimely death.  This crazy outburst is also a symptom of illness but we (including me up to this point) are very unforgiving of because of the way it has manifest itself. Clearly MIchelle is committing career suicide. Sadly Jason's "suicide" (which is really what it was) took his actualy life. 



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wait what? not sure i get your point there.


anyway im always a bit scared that one day itll be someone i actually like going off on a rant like this.


i mean i guess there was michael richards but i dont think his rant was truly rooted in hate as much as it was a terrible joke gone worse. he realized he fucked up and did what he could to make amends. i dont see that happening here

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