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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. McKellen's been "out" for about twenty years now.
  2. I caught the last drive of the Bears game via SopCast. How about that Brian Griese, eh?
  3. My money's on Cho Chang. Definitely could be a dude.
  4. Have you actually heard any of the "current VH wreckage"? From what I've read, they've been surprisingly good.
  5. You mean the ones that say "Iowa State" on them?
  6. So, does anyone here still think Oklahoma is the best team in the country?
  7. I'm definitely interested in this, but I'll have to catch it on DVD at this point.
  8. The U.P. is busy giving Columbus a Cleveland Steamer.
  9. I love that, actually -- at least when the British do it (not exactly the Queen's English, I'm guessing). A Monty Python straight-man line that always killed me was "It's people like you what cause unrest." I believe that's from the Eric the Half A Bee sketch.
  10. We checked it out initially because we like Krause, and I figured his scenes with Donald Sutherland would be good (and they are). The rest of the cast is pretty strong too, though Melissa and I were just discussing on our way across the state this evening all of the little issues that bug us -- though we still plan to watch, at least for a while.
  11. We've been watching Dirty Sexy Money this season, and though it seemed a bit slow to get on its feet, it's been pretty entertaining the last couple of weeks. Anyone else watch this? I'm not sure it's the kind of show that can sustain itself for multiple seasons, but right now it's got our attention.
  12. Yeah, I hate that one too. I also hate "I seen it..."
  13. I frequently hear people say "for all intensive purposes" rather than "for all intents and purposes."
  14. Yeah, Weirdness, thanks a million -- we look forward to hearing it!
  15. He can't help it. Though sometimes his nose arrives early and he arrives late.
  16. Yeah, sorry, I wasn't very clear on that. Not your reaction specifically, Sir S. This is getting a lot of press, and I just don't get it. There's a war on, people! A little perspective, please!
  17. I didn't say it was off-color. I just don't happen to care, which I believe to be a perfectly valid response to the question. Seriously, why does it matter? Can't you enjoy art for what it is, without having to know every personal detail about the people who created it? I'm not saying such a question can't be posted here, I'm just questioning why the answer is important. Clear? Oh, and thanks very much for putting words in my mouth, by the way. That's like attending an open debate and claiming I said something that I didn't. Talk about "playground politics."
  18. What's the big deal? I don't understand the reaction to this. He's just being honest -- it's not the end of the world if the Red Sox lose. What should the guy do, mouth the usual clich
  19. So that makes one, possibly two tapers. And there were probably more.
  20. Not to worry. And sorry, sometimes we are hard on new folks, but it's because some of us (like me) have nothing better to do. We're OK once you get to know us. Don't let it scare you off.
  21. Yeah, that's been a highlight of the last two Wilco shows I've seen. It's fantastic live.
  22. I know you're not referring to me. I've never expressed much of an interest in Jeff's personal life (or those of anyone else in the band) except maybe as it relates directly to his bands or his music (and not even then, really). I don't care about his religion, his politics, his favorite color, or anything else. I may have commented on his health back when that was a concern, but my interest there doesn't extend beyond the kind of well-wishing one would offer to anyone. Oh. Wait. I know what his favorite pizza is. That makes me a Tweedy gossip whore. You're right, I'm a total hypocrite.
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