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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. from Salon.com's "Broadsheet" column today... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fetal labor Holy crazy Republican legislators from Missouri, Batman! Sit down, this one's going to blow your mind: According to the Associated Press, a sixteen-member Missouri legislative panel has submitted a report asserting that the U.S has created a market for illegal immigrants by aborting all the Americans who would otherwise have held their jobs. The report, from the state's House Special Committee on Immigration Reform, is so embarrassing that none of the six Democrats on the panel would sign thei
  2. I don't like the idea of a mixed-party ticket because in this bitter and polarized political climate, it's sure to result in the party of the vice president doing everything it can to force out the president. I'm sure plenty of people would say "no, it would be fine," but trust me, it wouldn't. That's also why my first comment in this thread had to do with assassination.
  3. I'm not too sure why she has an SI column online, but she sure is ... um ... "impressive." Too bad about that whole Florida State thing, though.
  4. Is that to the tune of Mellencamp's "Our Country"?
  5. I wish I could post an indignant rebuttal to this statement, but that's pretty much what I see happening too.
  6. That's a good way to get Obama assassinated.
  7. That play rocked. That had to be planned -- Hester had way too many blockers clearing his way out on the right for that to have been improvisatory. Before the kick, the camera angle from behind the goalposts showed Hester backpedaling toward the end zone, and I was thinking "what the hell's he doing that for?"
  8. 1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before? Had surgery. Had a root canal. Had another root canal. Lots of work around the house that I'd never done before. 2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn
  9. That statement is kind of like saying that the first light bulb your company produced was better than Edison's first bulb. With all of the history and development in between, it's apples and oranges. And I also think it's wrong, but that's me. (Have you heard those initial Beatles/Stones records? They're not bad.)
  10. "clubhouse cancer" There's no doubt the guy can play. I just sense a bit of T.O. in him, is all. The Tigers will be good next year if their young pitchers have another good year. I don't think the addition of Sheffield will be a determining factor.
  11. My best was 31.79 seconds before I got a headache. Addictive and frustrating little bastard, that.
  12. I just haven't found much of the promotional stuff I've seen to be very funny. That said, I suppose I'll probably catch this when it goes to DVD. More than anything, I can't help thinking that this whole thing just seems like an extension of the Festrunk brothers sketches from SNL's glory days.
  13. What a crock of shit. This is hardly the first such statement from a Gallagher. I think they operate on the same assumption as the Republicans in the U.S.: "If we say something often enough, people will eventually believe it's true." They are a marginally competent pop band, nothing more -- and personally, I think they've only ever done three or four songs that don't bore me to tears.
  14. That girl doesn't even understand why she's sad. Her daddy's going to wind up making more money in his K Street job than he ever made in the senate, and then she'll be able to buy the complete set of creepy dolls and matching outfits.
  15. Yeah, it cracked me up that someone would call the Gators "thugs" when their intrastate rivals include Miami and Florida State. It would be interesting to see a comparison of crime statistics/off-field incidents between those three programs. I'm betting Florida would come out looking like a bunch of choirboys by comparison.
  16. BUSH: Not quite Laura, but not bad. PELOSI: I'M IN UR HOUSE IMPEACHIN UR DOODZ
  17. Sorry, but this is completely incorrect. Parker's career began before Costello's, and his first album came out a year earlier than Costello's.
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