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Everything posted by markosis

  1. FuckShitAssBastardFuck|kcuFdratsaBssAtihSkcuF
  2. Some of it is pretty good, just don't go past Power Windows. Its scary territory. Rush sucked from then up until Test For Echo.
  3. Hey, can I come record at your place sometime?
  4. Well, my first statement was kind of a joke...just saying. I wasn't really trying to add to a serious debate, just being my usual douchebag self. Most of my argument is simply my distaste for modern video games. I don't think there's any virtue in 128-bit graphics or super 5.1 dolby sound. It was lost for me when there were more than 2 buttons to choose from. I think my generation was better off because when the NES froze, you either had to have the patience or craftiness to get it up and running again, or you went and rode bikes or something. And we've gone from a debate over int
  5. Not quite what I'm saying. If a ghost is born was simply Jeff yelling "Hey, I'm fucking whacked out with migraines!", there wouldn't really be any reason to listen or try to get something out of it because its all laid out there for you.
  6. I hate video games. That's my explanation. Sorry if I'm not writing a thesis to back my opinion up. I think video games were more valid when they left something to the imagination. These days they hand you life-like graphics and storylines so vivid that there's nothing left for the game user to add to the equation.
  7. Sure, there may be other forms of intelligent life, but why must they resemble humans' physical characteristics or our means of travel? I think that is the height of ignorance. To think they have a similar body structure and they fly machines made out of solid materials around the universe is far fetched. There could be some kind of UFO in my room right now, maybe its too small for me to see, or it isn't made of an element which exists on Earth and can be detected by our senses. Whoa, I just blew my own mind.
  8. Video games are dumb. Really fucking dumb. Not because of the content, but because the people I know that play them often are generally really fucking dumb. Shit...was that poor grammar? I don't even know. Damn, that article totally distorted my fragile young mind. Time to go post my reaction on Myspace using no capital letters or punctuation. LOLZ
  9. Damn, that sucks. That first album was pretty good.
  10. That's the best quote ever.
  11. Where? I've never seen it anywhere. If you know where we could find that, PLEASE, share the wealth! I don't know. I had been really blown away by Easy Beat. It really took me in. I remember specifically hearing "Aint It Strange" before the release of the Takers and Leavers EP and really feeling like these guys were really growing immensely and they were going to top themselves with the next record. I think I wanted We All Belong to have the same kind of surprise and magic that I heard in their other releases, and I didn't quite get it. I do enjoy the record, but I don't love it.
  12. Too bad that Philly show is sold out already. Heard a new tune on the radio yesterday, it was a nice sounding song. A bit of The Who kind of vibe, which is a new territory for them. I can't wait for Fate, especially since We All Belong was a bit of a let down.
  13. I'll be grabbing both of these babies tomorrow! Yeayh! Listened to today:
  14. Well, that goes without saying. Thanks, my grand mother said the same thing when she read that post. Yes. (?) In case any of you couldn't tell, my comment was rather lighthearted. Its my inner Artie Lange coming out.
  15. I was agreeing with you. I don't understand it either.
  16. I'd rather microwave my face then watch a horse race. That rhymed.
  17. I'm surprised he didn't quote "You Are My Face" after the Canadiens lost the series: I have no idea why all this happens/all of my maps have been overthrown
  18. Yes: Instead of watching a stupid fucking horse race, spend your time doing something that doesn't completely blow.
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