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Everything posted by OOO

  1. How dare you promote your own movie on this site?!?!?!?!
  2. Happy Birthday! How old aaRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR you now? (jk)
  3. There are also plenty of people who believe in big foot and the Roswell alien landings and have "evidence", but those are indeed far fetched. AIDs comes from non-human primates. We really didn't have the bio-technology in the 1950's to create viruses... Again, I'm not arguing that people don't believe this is a possibility. I'm just saying its not true.
  4. Edinson Volquez has treated my fantasy team real nice this year. Real nice. (sorry cubs)
  5. mountainbed, you guys kept it close, and although she remained cool, calm, and collected....it turns out it was a virtual tie.
  6. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/...ton.indiana.cnn
  7. The Lake County results (county right next to chicago) are going to push this one to the wire
  8. A lot of the stuff he has said has some merit, but AIDs being created by the government is ridiculous.
  9. Well, North Carolina is now called for Barack, so we don't have to worry about that.
  10. I like the song "A good man is easy to kill"
  11. Choke has already been made and was screened at sundance. link
  12. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  13. I'd say that the song is nothing special, but I liked the fact that they tried out some heavier guitar distortion than is typical of coldplay.
  14. Yay, Sontarans! I liked that episode, but then again I'm a sucker for old villains and cliffhangers.
  15. There's a girl that's been on my mind - all the time.
  16. Yeah, I can imagine how it wouldn't translate well...but I also dig the record, so thats good enough for me.
  17. There is usually so much reverb on Jim's voice that I have no idea what he's saying anyway...I'm not in it for the lyrics.
  18. Well I can't say for certain, but the men of troy certainly rings a bell.
  19. I predict an OSU loss around mid september.
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