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Everything posted by yankhotelfox

  1. You should PM Africandover and ask him. He and I had a lovely, delightful little chat about this exact topic last night. He suggested that patience is a virtue and did so in a very polite fashion. See: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=28198 May I add that Africandover is a very insightful and pleasant member of this board. His ideas are final and are NOT open for debate.
  2. Please tell me you have some rare Bryan Adams material.
  3. Is it in April's or May's issue?
  4. Thanks for this Owl. It is a nice package.
  5. Ms. Kidsmoke, I mean no disrespect for Rob in any way whatsover. I fully appreciate his efforts and find his site very very helpful. Perhaps I am being a bit impatient but after a 5 month hiatus, I was excited to see new setlists. I just don't understand how Africandover can use that language and find it acceptable. I certainly didn't mean to be whiny or demanding, just anxious. I am willing to end it here but I do strongly feel that African has NO business speaking like that. Most Wilco fans are intelligent, articulate and seem to be good people, folks who wouldn't speak that way. We have a c
  6. Listen you rude, childish piece of s**t. Please don't ever insult me like that. Only an ignorant guy like you would call someone else an "impatient f**k." Do you ever have anyting intelligent to say? My guess is no. I'm sorry you suffer from small penis syndrome but please don't take it out on people on this board. I'm not "hard up" for the lists, it would just be nice to see what they're playing after a 5 month lapse between shows, and I'm sure other folks would agree. If you're married, I feel very very badly for the person who walked that plank. Have a nice day, jerk.
  7. It was really cool to hear my first live versions of Hate it Here and You are my Face from the 21st show. I haven't listened to the three others yet but am about to switch them to .wav files. It's great that you were able to see Wilco in your homeland. How many of the shows did you go to?
  8. Indeed Raquel. However, when one is used to the setlists being posted within a day or two, one may become disappointed when the new setlists have yet to be posted. The first show was April 16th. That's almost 2 weeks. In other words, slack has been cut. Thanks Froggie. I have actually downloaded 4 of the shows. In your opinion, what show was the best? I have 4-16, 4-18, 4-19 and 4-21.
  9. Wilcobase still has not posted the Australia setlists. I find it a bit annoying and would like to see them.
  10. I find it shallow and pedantic. Good day to you sir.
  11. I retired the phrase "face melting" when I stopped going to Phish shows (rolling) and hearing/seeing 45 minute versions of "Tweezer." Since Wilco doesn't do those crazy improv. jams, they don't melt my face, although, Nels does tear it up quite well, it's just not the same.
  12. Less Than You Think Handshake Drugs Pieholden Suite Why Would You Wanna Live In A Future Age Also, I'm a Wheel, Kingpin and A Shot in the Arm (except the lyrics at the end: "What you once were isn't what you wanna be, anymore." It signifies change. Good stuff.)
  13. Jesus, etc. Cars Can't Escape How to Fight Loneliness Via Chicago Poor Places ALTWYS You are My Face Monday Theologians California Stars
  14. No way the flight is only 5 hours but I've been wrong before. Australia to Chicago is probably like a 15 hour flight. Campainger, cool pic. I love skull 'n roses.
  15. I heard Monday that Jeff might be down in Pensacola hiding from the snow, with a left arm tan.
  16. I love Wilco. That being said, I would not pay $100 to see them. That's outrageous! The Hammerstein is, however, an excellent venue.
  17. Bowery would be awesome, Roseland too. They may announce a second NYC show (for Tues. 6/26) soon, I hope. That would be nice considering the first one sold out in like 2 minutes.
  18. Yep, and the electricity needed to play loud music too. I'm kidding about all this (see link above) to annoy Africandover. I'm also close to done with the jamband thing (with the exception of listening to occasional live Dead or even Phish). "Seeds" does "jam" though, IMO!!!
  19. "Seeds" is my second favorite. Maybe they'll do "Spiders" or "Passenger Side." The lead guitar in "Seeds" sounds so much like that of one Ernest "Trey" Anastasio of the Vermont based jamband Phish. This is a fact Dover, not my opinion. The way it slowly builds up to a crescendo exactly mirrors Trey's approach.
  20. Whether or not Mr. Dover literally has something up his butt or if it's another factor that causes his bad attitude.
  21. Wow dude, you totally come off as one of those forum jerkoffs that doesn't value anyone else's opinion. I can't believe I'm allowing you to make me the least bit angry. I pity folks like you. I've just gone to The Palace at 4 A.M. on amazon and re-evaluated my thoughts. So Jay's voice is a bit deeper on "My Darlin". However, his version of "Shaking Sugar," AKA, "Alone," is terrific, just terrific. "Venus" too. Oh, and i said they sound alike, not look alike, so I think Wilco fans might "be able to tell the difference." Pieholden would be great. Maybe SarahC could join them onstage since
  22. Oh, again, my bad. Have we lost our right to opnionate? I think it sounds similarly, except it's done solo. Now I have a reason to watch the DVD. When I got into Wilco I also listened to them as one big album as well. Good call.
  23. That would rule! I think it's my favorite track on SBS.
  24. I brewed coffee at 9 and then saw the Letterman news on Wilcoworld. I will get up and fix a mug right now. That way we'll be wired together. I didn't realize Atlanta was that much closer than Charlotte. I should have though b/c I've taken I-81 to I-75 driving to Tampa. I was a bit delirious at dawn in the Smoky Mountains. What beautiful scenery though.
  25. Hmmmm. Each time it comes on ST, I think, this really sounds like Jeff. I just assumed Jay sang that way on purpose, to please the Tweedster. My bad, I should have checked the album credits. When Jay does it live-solo on "IATTBYH" it sounds a helluva lot like the album version. That's why I assumed he sang it. Welcome Lamrod, please don't take my sarcasm to heart.
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