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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. ahem: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=34402
  2. Kegs of Bell's Two Hearted Ale in your honor! Have a great day my brother in the love of fine craft brew.
  3. Yeah! I'm a fan. The first LP is killer stuff - "Colorado Song", "Country Girl", "Chicken Train" etc.
  4. Wow, I didn't know that. A friend of mine has that and he quit taking the meds he's supposed to take - he said that shit is horrible. He still plays out on occasion, but not like he used to. Plus, drinking is definitely not suggested.
  5. I've seen nearly every lineup, and that one was far and away the best.
  6. If you haven't got them already, there is a box set of all the original albums ('68 - '73) out there for less than $70. A good deal imo.
  7. Edie don't let the so-called "experts" get to you. I'm so sick of hearing this "damage to the party" angle I'd like to bitch-slap Campbell Brown and her ilk. I know the Dems are notorious for eating each other alive, but not this time - they both gotta know not this time.
  8. Whether you're a fan of BB or not, imo you can't exclude "The Unwelcome Guest". Great words - and when Jeff comes in with the high harmonies it just gives me chills.
  9. Thanks for the update. You were talking out of your mind last night.
  10. This would be the coolest trip. Isn't it daylight nearly all day at that time there? rwrkb is from there. He needs to know about this.
  11. I too, once accidentally sat in "stripper juice". Felt like a bad sunburn on my ass cheek for about a week.
  12. "One toke over the line, Sweet Jesus, one toke over the line. Sittin' downtown in a railway station one toke over the line" Contrary to popular myth, Jerry Garcia does NOT play on this song by Brewer & Shipley.
  13. This just in: Colin Powell has just bitch-slapped Dick Cheney.
  14. "He's just a boy. He don't know no better." Mmm-hmm
  15. I feel like I need further clarification or something. The race issue might not be a 24/7 thing for most, but it's always around. Unfortunately.
  16. Best wishes being sent for a quick and complete recovery! Take care Tara, Dunja, and family.
  17. Allman Bros. - at Fillmore East - for the long stretches of highway Jeff Beck - Blow By Blow - for the crazy big city driving
  18. "Don't you know who we are? This is CAPTAIN AMERICA, man - and I'm Billy! We've played every parade in this part of the country and I mean for top dollar, too!
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