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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I ALWAYS hope for Poor Places. Just one of my very very favorites.
  2. Too many to list. Sick of You (LOOOOU) comes to mind.
  3. Imo, this song has REALLY got better the last couple of years. It rocks HARD now!
  4. Bummer. I was wanting to hear SBS live. Oh well.
  5. Fingers crossed for a LARGE evening for our friend Sir Andrew.
  6. yep. But it's really hard to separate your emotional ties to a piece of music. I've had this feeling about a number of bands, and records, over the years & in the end it just doesn't matter. Anyway, it's obvious that Wilco will just get bigger & bigger...look how many people have came to the board just since the leak a couple of months ago. I don't think it'll become some kind of circus, but you never know..
  7. Hmmm...that explains the cool link to the Syd Barrett Tribute pics!
  8. Wasn't Stapp a page for Delay in the 'good ol days'?
  9. There is a show that circulates, Nels & Thurston Moore. If you like far-out stuff, that show is a great one!
  10. I don't hear any Zep. One of those SBS reviewers (I can't remember which one) said "It's obvious that Tweedy has been listening to alot of Grateful Dead". That shit cracked me up.
  11. When you say "Grateful Dead", don't you really mean "Bobby in short-shorts circa '87?"
  12. I totally missed this show too. The 16-year old was in the variety show. Damn, "Be Not So Fearful"!!! A quick glance at WilcoBase says it's been nearly 2 years since that one was played. Donna, I'm so glad everyone seems to be OK. Take care.
  13. You gave YHF a B? Off with your head, then!
  14. ....it's me, I'm back, the CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER.... As you can see, music can get you pretty fucked up....Take a tip from Joe, do like he did, hock your imaginary guitar & get a good job....Joe did...and he's a happy guy now, on the day shift at the Utility Muffin Research Kitchen, arrogantly twisting the sterile canvas snoot of a fully-charged icing anointment utensil... And every time a nice little muffin comes by on the belt, he poots forth... Note to you kids: Realize that imaginary guitar notes & imaginary vocals exist only in the imagination of the Imaginer...and ultimatel
  15. All of "Hate It Here". I think that's the track that gets stuck in my head the most. Should've had horns on there though. Lyric: 'The drunks were ricochetin''
  16. Happy Birfday! Send lawyers, guns, & money!
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