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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Belated salutations on your natal anniversary!
  2. No one with half a brain takes what Rush or his ilk says seriously. Yet, they have an audience. Reason? My guess is that there are just a whole lot of people out there who are too damn dumb to see through the charade. If they actually believe the vile shit that is spewed then they have a major problem.
  3. I think I got it from the Bob Spitz book.
  4. Man, I thought for sure you were gonna link us to Steve King.
  5. Didn't the GDP increase substantially every year from '33 -'41? The lone exception being '37, when it leveled off - precisely the same year FDR started listening to the Republicans in Congress who were bitching about government spending. Hmmm.
  6. No kidding. Wasn't Bob and Sara split up at the time? I seem to recall a story that she was in the studio hanging out for some reason when that song was recorded. That must have been heavy.
  7. I think Bob Hunter said that the original material on Skullfuck, Garcia, Ace, and Europe '72 would have been the KILLER follow up to Workingman's/Beauty. And, no doubt, it would have - but the Dead being the Dead it didn't work out that way. '71-'72 was the most prolific period for songwriting. Both Bob And Jer were cranking out the tunes, and nearly all of them from that time rarely strayed from the rotation.
  8. I like this idea - it could be the perfect trainwreck. Take THAT, Osbournes!
  9. I will say this: I don't always agree with Arlen Specter (obviously), but he did a pretty courageous thing today. At this point it's not like anyone has a safe seat. I was really hoping Dick Lugar would buck the pressure of his colleagues, but it was not to be. I thought there might be a slim chance that his work with Barack in the Senate (nuclear proliferation) might swing him.
  10. "I'm gonna do a song about my hero....you might have your own hero. Maybe, I don't know, maybe Mel Gibson...or Micheal Jackson or Bruce Springsteen. But I don't care nothin' about none of those people". yep, that's my favorite bit too Froggie.
  11. I think it was called "Hard To Handle". Really good concert flick, imo. I saw that tour when it hit the States.
  12. The heat down there has made you slightly deranged, Mr. Frog. Thin Man is one of my top 5 all-time Dylan tunes.
  13. Exactly. Barack is trying to change the tone in DC. He's trying to be bipartisan, but these silly fucks on the opposing side just can't let go - Ronnie's dead, guys...it's time to move on. Reagan's philosophy has been in place for over 25 years and it ran us right off the road. Will Bunch has a new book out - "Tear Down This Myth". Should be required reading for everyone.
  14. In late '99 I was at a show in Indy and saw flyers for a new Dead-related radio show (midnight-6 am sunday mornings) at a local college station. I started tuning in and calling to request songs, shows, etc. I got to be pretty good friends with the DJs (Tim & Dave) and ended up doing a lot of trading with them, going to shows, etc. Dave even gave me about 50 Dead shows on cassette after his wife told him their house had no more room for 'em! The show lasted until about '04. Damn, I miss staying up all night on Saturday, getting baked, and listening to those guys!
  15. Mine too! Nothin wrong with that, though - some of 'em are still smokin'.
  16. Yeah, and it's pretty effin' ridiculous too, if you ask me. A 65 year old dude, wearing spandex (or at least too-tight pants), prancing about onstage, yapping about "I can't get no satisfaction" when he's been a millionaire since he turned 21, screwed super models etc etc. Mick, we feel your pain.
  17. Happy Birthday Melissa!!! Since it's YOUR day: "emoticonicus infatuatum" Have a great one!
  18. OK, I'll try Zep (this WON'T be easy): all of my love down by the seaside houses of the holy livin lovin maid celebration day yeah, that was really tough - after the first 3 I had to think of somethng!
  19. Probably mentioned this before, but the Playin' reprise from that 5/19 show that Lammy talked about is some of my very favorite pieces of GD ever.
  20. It is overrated as a whole show imo, but the ScarFire and the Dew have to be considered as all-time greatest versions. They're definitely up there. I actually like the next night (5/9) better as a whole show. GREAT set 1.
  21. Moss, you're a cool dude. I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I will offer up this: if you're a complete newb as you say you probably don't wanna start out with 50 minute versions of Dark Star or things like that. I usually try to break in folks with stuff from either '71 or '77 - the playing during those times was pretty straightforward for the most part. '77 in particular was a very fertile time, and the band was really in sync - lots of emphasis on tightness and tunes. from '71 try Skull And Roses, or Ladies And Gentlemen the Grateful Dead (both official releases) '
  22. Ummm, hardwood...that ain't Tony Banks! But I concur. LOVES me some Emerson!
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