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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Doesn't RA sometimes still play earlier stuff, though?
  2. I think it's quite normal to dismiss/criticize earlier work, whether you're a writer/poet, artist, whatever. People who don't get paid for their artistic talents do it (at least, speaking for myself) all the time. Sometimes, with the passage of time, something you created earlier in your life no longer holds the same relevance and/or just doesn't aesthetically appeal to you any more. I've taken pictures down off my wall (not my art work, but still) because I get sick of seeing them after a while and want a change.... I guess I'm not sure why it makes some people sad/angry when an artist dism
  3. Aw, c'mon man. It's an enigmatric, spirited, up-beat, and heart-felt rendition. The guy's fun to watch, too.
  4. Sox are looking at video of his side session from yesterday and his medical records (he had yet another surgery fairly recently). I think he'd be great for a 1-year contract. Smoltz likes pitching coach Farrell a bunch, likes BOS, etc. He'd be a cheap and nice fit (fifth starter/helping the young pitchers/etc.) They could get a good price on him, too.
  5. The "Caravan" is probably my favorite part of the show.
  6. It's true. Sad and true. I was optimistic early in the season, too.
  7. Huhn. I thought they were pretty damn tight last night. Hopped next door after the show to watch my pal's band play with Alvin Youngblood Hart and Bill Mackay (Leftover Salmon) which was real nice, too.
  8. Wood to CLE: http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...8&fext=.jsp
  9. David Zollo and High & Lonesome: Live at Gabe's.
  10. 2120 South Michigan Avenue Ave. Rte Route 66 Going Home Way Stop Breaking Down Dr. 2000 Light Years From Home Blvd. Backstreet Girl St.
  11. NYY to sign Burnett (physical pending): 5 yrs/$82.5 M: http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/8932446...#036;82.5M-deal
  12. Remember, these are the "alternate" road game unis. Meaning, probably a few Sundays out of the season. But yes, the hat blows. As noted above, the blue lettering with smaller font and block lettering on the back really makes the gray stand out as very drab. I like the "hanging socks" logo on the sleeve of the new alternate jerseys. For the hat: weak. As to $ scheme: I believe MLB gets a cut (so in essence, the money is divided among all mlb teams).
  13. "Soul Singing"- Black Crowes (from FreaknRoll, Into the Fog)
  14. Ridiculous. Hopefully that judge is not re-elected. And that article is full of misplaced commas and semi-colons.
  15. Right, the gray is the same but the lettering is different. I just think they look somber. The hat, though....
  16. BOS 2009 "alternate" road unis; http://shop.mlb.com/family/index.jsp?categ...9543607-5693571 I'm not a fan of the two socks hat (and I own a similar one). The "B" is where it's at. Pretty drab gray, too. Thin lettering. eh.
  17. Yeah, I'm not too sure how to read it either. I was just amused that someone has stats on "clutch."
  18. ARod "clutch" stats... Amusing, at least: "Clutch: A measurement of how much better or worse a player does in high leverage situations than he would have done in a context neutral environment." http://www.fangraphs.com/statss.aspx?playe...amp;position=3B
  19. How was that opener, mj? I'm seeing them Saturday and almost always skip the opening act.....
  20. To be fair, Arod kind of sucked in the ALCS part of the 2004 post-season (against BOS) and shit the bed in 2005. He also shit the bed in 2006 against DET and CLE in 2007. So basically he performed admirably in 2 post-seasons out of 6 (I'll discount 1995). Arod is an amazing hitter but has not done a lot in the post season (at least lately) to shake the stigma.
  21. I'll have Bill Gates whip up some saber stats....."generally."
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