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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Cock fighting is legal in the D.R., though. It just shows that Pedro and Juan enjoy a good cock fight. Cock fight.
  2. I read in this a.m.'s paper that it was a mix of prescribed drugs for anxiety and sleeping disorders. Oxycodone (a derivitive of oxycontin, but still different) being one of them, not oxycontin. These were prescription drugs. The article said no doctor would precribe the mix of drugs found in his body (oxycodone, Viacodin, etc.). It's not hard get scrips from different doctors, though. It was noted that greater alerts need to be on the meds to warn of unintentional overdoses. Regardless, he mixed too many pills. I also don't think it's a new phenomenon for people to get scrips from diff
  3. D-Rays sign Hinske: http://blogs.tampabay.com/rays/ CLE signs Brendan Donnelly: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3234213
  4. Ah, Truck Day is this Saturday in BOS. Like 'em or not, it's always a good day in the middle of winter when the equipment heads down south: http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/reds...day_is_tru.html
  5. How so? I believe McNamee has already testified under penalty of perjury. Not to mention the Mitchell report corroborating the claims that Clemens used. He also told the truth about Petite. The guy may be a dim bulb but I'm not sure what he has to gain by it at this point. If he held onto materials that link Clemens to steroid use from a while back and he wanted it as an extortion tool, that train has left the station. We'll see tomorrow.
  6. I believe it's up to five years in prison. There'll be a lot of Clinton-esque rhetoric bandied around next week, I'm sure. Clemens will likely deny knowing what he was injecting. Though fingerprints on viles of steroids may be pretty solid evidence to the contrary.
  7. I know what you mean. I had stop hanging out at ithinknowthatthebabyis6monthsoldweshouldseparateforawhile.com because my ex is over there all the time.
  8. People were physically shorter back then, too. There were fewer discrepencies in height and so couples were able to feel more comfortable dancing, walking down the street, karaoke-ing, rollerbalding, etc. together than they are today. Less arguments=a closer bond=longer marriages. Think about it.
  9. Please. Scientists can't even come to a consensus on a lot of the data.
  10. I've changed my mind about global warming. I think the "evidence" is too obfuscated by people with agendas. I think there is truth to it as well as hype to it.
  11. Why did you have to choose just one? Did it have to do with choices?
  12. Cheers Hope you have a wonderful day.
  13. Bill Bellichick makes snuff films in the off-season.
  14. Sounds like a good night, miss jayne. So glad you made it....
  15. Weir has been pretty vocal, politically, the last ten years or so. Mickey to a lesser degree, but still. I don't have a problem with it any more than I have for Curt Schilling stumping for Republicans. Though the GD eschewed politics, for the most part, for their tenure it's certainly a different climate now than even when the GD disbanded, not to mention those early days. I'm not a fan of musicians telling me who to vote for at shows (or if Schilling started shilling for his guy from the mound) as Weir has done at Ratdog shows in the past, but it's a whole other ballgame when the event i
  16. Simmons used to be pretty witty, observant, and enjoyable to read. He jumped the shark a few years ago when he went to L.A. to work with Kimmel and write from there, imo. Still comes up with some decent columns now and then, but overall he's not much worth reading these days.
  17. BOS re-signs Kielty for $800 K as "insurance" if he makes the roster. Coco on the move?: http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/reds..._move_that.html
  18. There are quantifiable ways to rate pitchers and QBs (to some extent), though. Even so, it always boils down to arguable points from detractors and supporters of a given player. There are so many factors to consider in team sports when "rating" a player that the fact that it unltimately boils down to personal taste is sometimes lost. Marino is considered by most as one of the all-time greats yet you rarely see Brady on a top-10 list of all-time greats. I don't think this means Brady is overrated, just in the throes of his career. Although Peyton will usually show on the same lists as Marino
  19. Speaking of Juan's: He's Back! http://www.rotoworld.com/Content/playernews.aspx?sport=MLB Also: CC Sabathia to stay put for 2008 season? (lie) Alex Rios- 1 yr/$4+ M w/Toronto Freddy Sanches 2 yr/$19 M (incentives/option)Pirates Bedard deal close (again)
  20. Do they supply food and drinks, too? I've heard good things about these events. How many people typically attend?
  21. And some would call the move stupid/cocky/arrogant as he turned a blind eye to the Giant's defense that had manhandled the NE offense all day to that point. Really, it can be looked at either way.
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