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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. If the other poll is any indiction, Paul would be below George and John in terms of popularity (at least in solo career terms). Third on a list of four is kinda low.
  2. Isn't this just all Paul, anyway (in terms of Beatles contibuting)? I realize it's considered a "Beatles" tune a la "Moonlight Mile" w/ the Stones, but I think it's just Paul on piano (with some strings towrds the end)and song-writing credits.
  3. ((((((((>>>>>>>>))))))))))) Best wishes, Jen.
  4. Why she continues to rile people confounds me. She makes a living inciting debate by spewing venomous fiction that people respond to. It's not that hard to use the "ignore" function in real life. I always considered her like a Howard Stern of politics. Stern gets paid to be "shocking" but in reality it's really just ignorance/stupidity.
  5. The streak is big news in baseball, regarless of the post-season but obviously more important because of it. Talk it up, I say. I've heard/read rumblings because they're tinkering with the line-up during this streak, though. Anybody critisizing Hurdle for putting a healthy Taveras back in center in the stead of Spilborghs is nuts. He's much better defensively, has the edge at the plate, and is speed on the bases. Plus, they dropped Aaron Cook to make room as Cook is still not6 100%. Good move.
  6. Sounds like some of the heathens throwing shit have been arrested. Good times. Good call on the interference, too.
  7. See, the thing with this thread is that whenever someone else mentions another great tune (^We can Work it out, etc.) I start singing the tune in my brain and want to change my answer.
  8. I used to be in this camp as well, until two days ago when it popped up on my iPod (the Anthology #3 version) on an early morning walk. It came across as really simple and pretty to me and changed my thinking on it. These things happen.
  9. Dr. Robert Moog was pretty innovative with the synthesizer, as well. But yeah, Les Paul....
  10. With all the Beatles hype around here I thought this was apt: It's a Red Sox scrap album-style from the NYT a la Sgt. Pepper's- http://www.nytimes.com/packages/html/sport...VECSEY_GRAPHIC/
  11. I think it's very good. Not his best, but I enjoy the fact he's back to simple roots playing with little fanfare/overproduction. It's got a lot of soul to it.
  12. "Wild Honey Pie" and "Rocky Raccoon"
  13. I mentioned a week or so ago that Matt Holliday answered the question: (sic) "What tunes do you listen to to get pumped for a game?" with "I don't listen to music." He then mentioned he liked to read the Bible before games. No knock here from me but I found it strange not because of the Bible comment but the music comment.
  14. Why, it's almost as if you were, er, passed by. No. The Beatles are not my favorite band ever.
  15. George is cool and all and his tunes are decent enough (yeah, ATMP is pretty damn good but I prefer Thirty Three and 1/3 as my favorite) his voice is just too sad for me a lot of the time. John Lennon wrote some great solo stuff as well but I ;ve always thought of him as a phony pompous asshole, so there's that. Plus the Yoko crap grates my nerves. I side with Paul as his solo/Wings stuff is the stuff I can relate to best. It's fun music. Mostly happy shit. It's rockin' tunes.
  16. Here's some cool old and new photos that David Gans recently put up. Some nice old ones in front of the Wall of Soud, especially: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dgans/sets/72157594404007614/
  17. I wanted to post the link to this for anyone not that into Phil & Friends or curious about their current line-up/sound who may not otherwise be inclined to check it out. This is the second set opener from Red Rocks a few weeks ago and, imo, is a great example of how Phil likes to keep things fresh, new, experimental, and enjoyable. This "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall" is truly unique and simply rocks out. Give it a shot: http://ia341232.us.archive.org/1/items/paf...2.d2t08_vbr.mp3
  18. Little known fact that Joe Torre's nose doubled as a bomb shelter for most of Brooklyn in the 50s.
  19. Feel bad for Torre? He's had a great career as both a player and a manager with a few WS rings and the benefit of managing the highest payrolled team in the game. Sure, he's had to, put up with Steinbrenner but the payroll/players/money he's made surely make up for that. If he';s anned and opts to retire (which I doubt he;ll do) he'd leave the game as one of the great managers.
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