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Everything posted by uncool2pillow

  1. My understanding of economics is very, very basic, but I've been wanting to read The Forgotten Man. The basic thesis is that the New Deal did much more harm than good. I've always believed that WWII ended the Great Depression more than the New Deal, but I am curious to see what the author says about the extent of the harm the New Deal did. Seems like a very timely subject...
  2. A. When our government prepares to spend a $1,000,000,000,000 of our kids' and grandkids' money, I sure hope there are some "dicks" to ask some hard questions and maybe even vote their conscience. The Republican leadership in the House demonstrated nothing but admiration for Obama coming to meet with them prior to the vote even if he didn't convince them. B. I'm pretty sure a number of voters (including me) voted for Obama in the genuine belief that he would attempt to change the tone in Washington. Three weeks in, and I'm losing "hope".
  3. 2 movies so far this weekend w/ may Burn After Reading later tonight. Friday it was Hulk. Even Ed Norton couldn't save this movie. It was okay. I sure hope the don't combine Iron Man and Hulk for a sequel as the ending hinted. Then The Dark Night!! Great, great movie!! I haven't seen a Christopher Nolan movie that isn't great. Loved all the helicopter shots above the skyscrapers. Also, while I'm sure there was a lot of CGI, it usually didn't look like it. The explosions and special effects looked REAL. I've seen Heath Ledger and Robert Downey, Jr. I don't know which I'd vote for i
  4. Just checking The fertility doctor who agreed to do this crossed, what seems to me, a clear ethical line. Some issues are debatable, but helping a woman of limited means have 8 children when she already has 6 seems clear. Thank God for reality TV, which I am sure will save the taxpayers from supporting this family.
  5. Modern fertility treatments like IVF and Chlomid often increase the likelihood of multiples. My wife and I did IVF and had 2 fertilized eggs implanted. They both survived. Not sure if that's a problem in your eyes. We explored other options like adoption, but since my insurance covered fertility treatments, this was the most financially and logistically feasible option for us.
  6. Kellogg to drop Phelps Don't the understand the value of a stoner endorsing Frosted Flakes? Hasn't anyone in Battle Creek, MI heard of the munchies?
  7. Off the top of my head... Superman Finest Worksong Nightswimming
  8. Mahalia could even make believers out of The Believer and Neon!
  9. A decent movie. Good plot, some of the dialogue, especially in the 1st half, was incredibly poor. People just don't talk that way. Penelope Cruz was okay, but not Oscar-worthy IMHO. I'm pretty sure Woody's main motivation for making this movie was to film Penelope Cruz and Scarlett Johansson kissing. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  10. Nothing like pouring salt in a 39 year old wound! And I'm only 38! Best NFL experience I ever had was Viking/Chiefs at Arrowhead last year. That parking lot is like Woodstock! Chiefs fans are great!
  11. I don't listen to it as often as I should. Every time I do, I forget how many great tunes it has.
  12. I went there, it was good. Wasn't sure if it was still open. On Devils Tower v. Mt. Rushmore, I guess it depends upon your POV. I was pretty awestruck by both, but then we can debate lot of things... God's (or nature's for non-believers) work vs. Man's Carving up a mountain that's sacred to the Sioux (if what I'm told is true) to honor people who either directly or indirectly helped cause their near-extinction.
  13. Love Mount Rushmore. Haven't seen Crazy Horse (the mountainside sculpture, not Neil Young's backup band) since the early '80s. They've made some progress on it recently.
  14. You didn't mean that as a joke did you? Personally, I'd put it somewhere between amazing and biggest disaster of a tourist trap this side of Wall Drug.
  15. Anyone going to Denny's for their free breakfast tomorrow AM? I can't imagine what type of clientele shows up at Denny's for a free breakfast. Hollinger and other Des Moines people on the boards might understand this would be a good time to go shopping at the Windsor Heights Wal Mart. I imagine many of their regulars will be lined up outside Denny's.
  16. Time escapes us, how many posted in the January thread yesterday or today?? A fine jazz CD by a modestly appealing pop piano player. I'm sure it's been covered in the Grateful Dead thread(s?), but do any serious deadheads appreciate his contributions? He seems to improvise well on this disc.
  17. Never saw Wilco w/ Bennett. I love his contributions, but after watching those videos, I think the current incarnation of Wilco is better.
  18. I thought that was horrible too. Maybe his fine should match his Super Bowl bonus.
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