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Everything posted by Kalle

  1. 11th release?! THEY HAVEN'T LEARNED MUCH!
  2. Hey everyone, I just updated the dates a bit as some have changed, and I'd really like to see some people from VC there! We just got a nice little write up in Burgeoning Metropolis which is pretty great, you can see it here http://twitpic.com/7oan1 Also the venue we're playing at in Oakville thinks I'm a girl , that's pretty awesome. http://twitpic.com/7ocy7
  3. • Arkells - Jackson Square • Jill Barber - Chances • Beast - Beast • Bell Orchestre - As Seen Through Windows • Bison B.C. - Quiet Earth • Bruce Peninsula - A Mountain Is A Mouth • Cœur De Pirate - Cœur De Pirate • Leonard Cohen - Live In London • D-Sisive - Let The Children Die • Elephant Stone - The Seven Seas • Elliott Brood - Mountain Meadows • Fucked Up - The Chemistry Of Common Life • Great Lake Swimmers - Lost Channels • Handsome Furs - Face Control • Tim Hecker - An Imaginary Country • Hey Rosetta! - Into Your Lungs • Japandroids - Post-Nothing • Junior Boys - Begone Dull Care • K'NAAN
  4. Ooooook folks some new new bands newwwws! The album is now on iTunes for those of you that would like to purchase music that way (we also have a shopping cart if you go to our http://www.myspace.com/kallemattson), aaaand for those of you that are somewhat interested or intrigued I can most certainly give another download link for you as well. Um, the album has been reviewed a couple times, and both were very positive and 4/5 star reviews! We're now getting some rotation from a few radio stations in Canada which is great, lets hope to hear more! But most excitingly will be a TOUR of Ont
  5. 1. Wilco - Wilco (The Album) 2. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest 3. Andrew Bird - Noble Beast 4. Neko Case - Middle Cyclone 5. Deep Dark Woods - Winter Hours - I just opened up for them on Wednesday =) 6. Howie Beck - How To Fall Down In Public 7. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix 8. Hayden - The Place Where We Lived 9. Sunparlor Players - Wave North 10. Great Lake Swimmers - Lost Channels
  6. The drive is roughly 5 and a half hours for me, one of the closest Wilco gigs yet. Anyone else going to see Neko in Pontiac the next night?
  7. IIIIIIII shall be there folks.
  8. I routinely drive 8 hours to see them, and go at least twice a year. I agree 2-4 ain't nothin.
  9. I really dig it, much more than Yellow House, which I liked a fair amount. This is definitely in my top 5 for this year, and for anyone that reads Stereogum, it's a lot better than the new Animal Collective.
  10. That was great solace. Jay is the first musician that I have really really admired that has passed away, in a cliched sense I feel at loss for words. Listening to Summerteeth now, this is Jay's album.
  11. 1. Via Chicago 2. Wishful Thinking 3. Misunderstood Yeah thats right no YHF
  12. Both riffs are chromatic, I think the similarities end there.
  13. I think Country Disappeared is the weakest song on the album as well folks. I think it might be a bit early to compare them but I can say musically I like this one better than SBS and AM, not sure if it could beat out the middle four records but only time will tell.
  14. For the music nerds out there, One Wing at Lolla was in A minor (or C major), on the record we move to F# minor (A major). I'm sure some of you dug my tabs of SBS so quickly so in the coming days I'll dissect the record. God knows what I'll do for Black Bull Nova.
  15. I'm a little late to the party. But I believe they have done it again.
  16. I can't thank you guys enough for the kind words and for listening! We worked really hard on it for about three months and I think it's paid off. As of now I have CD's in my hands and they are ready to sell. We can do it the old school way with cash in an envelope ($10) and I'll mail them to you (just PM me) or you guys can buy it from this link http://www.indiepool.com/KW2009CD just like amazon or whatever. It will be on iTunes but that will take a couple weeks as Apple seems to be slow with it. Our first CD release show is tonight so wish us luck! Thanks again everyone it really means a
  17. lol yeah Owen Sound isn't very north for Northern Ontario but we will be down that way in the beginning of August for a few dates. The ending with Bomb Threat Blues was sort of a homage to Being There and ending with a sort of drunk sounding tongue in cheek rocker. Thank everyone for listening!
  18. I want to know who's opening up in Royal Oaks!
  19. Haha yes I am the singer. I've been compared to John K Sampson (Weakerthans) and Malkmus more but it still is a really nice compliment! Oh and totally send to as many people as you wish! Thanks!
  20. Thanks much for the kind words folks. I hope some of you are listening out there and not getting irritated with the shameless self promotion! Anyways, I'll only have two more posts of that stuff. There is one more new song from the album up at our myspace ( http://www.myspace.com/kallemattson ), it's the title track from 'Whisper Bee'. Hope you enjoy that! The album will be released here on Wednesday but I will let you guys know very shortly other ways you can purchase if you choose to do so (iTunes, internets etc etc.). If anyone of you still want to download it I can put it up again for
  21. I still haven't! Goddamn Canadian customs!
  22. One of my favs this year for some reason, I am total sucker for lo-fi girl folk rock.
  23. I don't think it's bad in any manner, intentionally or not. They are obviously having more fun with any of the other albums as one, Wilco (The Song) and two, Wilco (The Album). Taking themselves seriously isn't in the books on this one. I wanna see the rest of the art but AGIB is my favorite, especially the vinyl with the nest.
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