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Everything posted by Kalle

  1. Hahaha I know mines about half done right now.
  2. Woot! This is gonna take forever though.
  3. I'm irritated by the new Bright Eyes not leaking yet too!
  4. I would surely hope not. Jeff and the band I feel are just hitting their musical peaks and they're having fun doing it like cryptique said.
  5. Yeah thats what I heard, you have to give this album some time.
  6. I have the whole thing. I don't know what to think really. I really loved the three EP's but this album is really hard to judge from a few listens. I'll have more of an opinion on it later.
  7. If You're Feeling Sinister is pretty great but I really love The Life Pursuit and Dear Catastrophe Waitress if you're in for a bit more upbeat stuff.
  8. My favourite is On The Beach but I'd go with buying Tonights The Night next.
  9. Yeah I buy from Musictoday quite a bit but being lucky and living in a border town I just get it shipped to the states and I go across to pick it up.
  10. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...20&start=20
  11. I have to say this album has a pretty awful cover.
  12. I just bought the LP/Shirt combo because I figured you only got the CD if you just but bought the LP by itself.
  13. I just pre-ordered the LP/T-Shirt combo. I figure I'll just buy the cd in stores. I love Wilco on vinyl.
  14. Remember? this http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/articl...t_id=1003380055
  15. Haha sorry about that I forgot about this. Jeff played this song twice at his two shows last summer. It's originally a John Fahey tune but Leo Kottke covered it. One show Jeff played it without a capo and the other night he played it Capo 2. Here's the tab from John Fahey's website which is a pretty good outline for how to play the song. http://www.johnfahey.com/TabChristNoEast.htm But the best thing I found is watch some of the videos on Youtube and that will help you out a bunch to fill in the holes. If you have Guitar Pro download both the John Fahey and Leo Kottke version from ultimate-gui
  16. I've figured out a ton of this album. All my threads are there.
  17. Paste is a pretty great magazine. I have a subscription so I'm pretty excited to get this one in the mail.
  18. Sweet! They might even play near the Sault!
  19. Haha I made my pedal board in my dads workshop and everything is sort of a mess but that's the way I like it!
  20. This past year at Massey Hall. With the conversion and buying through the pre-sale they were $70 I believe.
  21. http://www.sendspace.com/file/9yip7u I accidently recorded it as Novermber 22nd, it's the 25th. I really love the live version of this song.
  22. I payed almost over that to see Wilco in Toronto once I converted to Canadian dollars.
  23. I think it flows even better than AGIB.
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