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Everything posted by LouieB

  1. You are right. The person who said this is in their 20s. I guess I should have left this one alone. I saw the movie on first run in the (gasp) theater and was a Peter Sellers fan. LouieB
  2. I knew that, obviously. Doesn't everyone here know that?? LouieB
  3. Really?? The pic also appears on the inside of the sleeves too, for some reason. LouieB
  4. The packaging on Star Wars is pretty lame, with the exception of the great art work based on the cheesy cat picture. Nice work by the artists on that. LouieB
  5. How Will the Wolf Survive is exactly where to start. LouieB
  6. Yo La Tengo was on NPR's Morning Edition today. They played all the bumpers live. LouieB
  7. Drive 90 minutes and we have lots in Chicago. LouieB
  8. How many times do we have to buy this? I was hoping only twice, one CD and one LP. LouieB
  9. He had a great career but took himself out. LouieB
  10. Apparently there is a Paste 100 top songwriters too, which is similar but of course different. I think the title "of all time" is both misleading and disingenuous. All time is a LONG time. LouieB
  11. So here's the thing about contracting things out; it STILL costs the government money because ultimately the government HAS to deal with the fines AND the details of bidding and managing the contracts out of contracts (unless these clowns want no bid contracts, but even so those contracts still have to have some oversight and someone needs to pay they contractors.) So much of this is flawed that it is beyond comprehension. LouieB
  12. Fines would have to be pretty huge to make up the personnel cost of all the people needed to mount something like this. And THEN you have to hire people to figure out what fines, telling the places they owe, collecting the fines, and managing the flow of money in and out. Big government (or government contractors) indeed. LouieB
  13. Once again, conservatives don't want smaller government (particularly when it comes to the military), because how exactly do you round up 11 million people unless you hire a gigantic number of federal employees (or private contractors - didn't think of that) to bolster the IRS (as you point out) storm troops (to go in and raid everywhere), people to incarcerate individuals while they are awaiting deportment, bureaucrats to manage all aspects of this effort (housing, feeding, clothing, etc.) and all other aspects of this activity I can't even imagine. It would be cheaper and more productive to
  14. Undoing 150 years of US policy is a fairly steep slope. Of all the problems we have, dealing with this is a major distraction. LouieB
  15. There needs to be a list of the thousand greatest songwriters of all time. LouieB
  16. This week on Classical and Beyond we will be spinning more "indigenous American Berserk" in more ways than one. Join Lou Berkman and John Martin this Saturday August 22 from 1 to 4 PM central time on WNUR.org or 89.3 FM in Chicago for some insightful and provocative (and berserk) late summer music. Featuring all American composers including George Gershwin, Wadada Leo Smith ("Ten Freedom Summers"), Lewis Spratlan ("A Summers Day"), John Adams (American Berserk"), Leonard Bernstein, Richard Danielpour, Howard Hanson, John Corigliano (putting new music to Bob Dylan), John Zorn, and Lou Reed (fin
  17. There are hundreds and hundreds of great songwriters out there, even after the second world war (since clearly the pre-war songwriters of which there were hundreds of great ones were not considered), but obviously they couldn't include every one. We can all name our faves that were left off the list. Once you put Madonna and Taylor Swift (and Kurt Cobain) on you open up the discussion for hundreds of more that are certainly as deserving. Most of us would agree that Dylan, Lennon and McCartney, and some of the obvious ones should be included, but after that it is all about taste, nothing mor
  18. A friend and I went through the list the other night. Clearly there is a heavy demographic component to this list. LouieB
  19. But Royal Oak is technically in Michigan. LouieB
  20. Thanks Obama.....now Americans can't even tell what year stuff happened. LouieB
  21. There seems to be an echo in here. LouieB
  22. Although he is still clearly still Jewish he has dropped the ultra-orthodox trappings of his early career. I guess I am glad to see he is still hanging in there?!! LouieB
  23. Great band. Stick with the older albums though. LouieB
  24. Actually yes I do remember. I was 25 when Saigon fell. But when it fell we were already gone for 2 years. I guess had we never left Saigon would still be under our control. We should just post troops everywhere and then we would never have to regret leaving. LouieB
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