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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. oh that's funny. that would make it a cherry tax (on a plate that says taxation without representation). how ironic!
  2. bigshoulders sent me an article on this. i'm not a fan of spiders at all, uuugggghhh, creepy creatures, but i might be able to warm up to one named after neil (as long as it stays on the other side of the trapdoor)
  3. thanks! it looks even better on my new MINI cooper, i'll have to get a picture and update the thread to be even more accurate. hee hee.
  4. on my way home tonight, someone in another vehicle flagged me down and asked what my license plate meant. it was quite fun to be driving down Mass Ave talking to the car next to me about Wilco. A little free publicity for the guys. [note: the car behind us was not too happy and kept honking their horn, it was a vw]
  5. i think studies like this are total.....eh, what's the point? define happy. a conservative says they're happy, but are they really, maybe they should do a study on how one defines and ranks happiness. i always what the point of such polls, studies, surveys, etc really is, to what gain, benefit, and enlightenment, what advancement to society have we achieved knowing that conservatives rationalize inequality better? just curious.
  6. PM me if you're interested. It's a lawn seat.
  7. it's a chance at actually getting seats. i've been locked out of regular sales of tickets in a matter of moments and have had to work magic to get into some of the wilco shows i've attended. presales increase the odds of not having to use magic.
  8. Indeed! You beat me to it Kim! Happy Happy Birthday Bigshoulders! to the greatest guy ever!
  9. YAY! thanks Warner. now it is going to be torture while my computer is upgraded! what a treat to look forward to once the machine comes home.
  10. a little known fact about your Living Room Show Posters. the living room drawing, used in the background (light purple color) was drawn by the very same illustrator that did the drawings for the newly released Eames postage stamps. http://www.usps.com/communications/newsroo...ames_300dpi.jpg There are still Artist Proofs of the poster available if anyone is interested.
  11. happy birthday plastic eyeball! ok, really belated birthday.
  12. I just logged into ticketmaster and it looks like the only thing left are lawn seats. it is a tiny venue and the lawn isn't actually that far back.
  13. got ours in the presale. we might have extras, not sure yet though.
  14. I'm with remphish on this one. If I drive to work (which sounds insane since I live in DC, but I have free parking as a work benefit), it costs me $1 to drive round trip and takes me no more than 20 minutes. If I take mass transit it costs me $5 round trip and takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes. I live 5 miles from where I work. Even with the metrocard pre-tax benefit, I still pay $2.50 round trip vs. the $1 to drive. Some may argue the whole car payment, insurance, maintenance factor, but I have to have the car and pay for those things anyway so I don't include them in
  15. won't work. crashes the machine when i try to run anything off of the drive. [i'm actually quite mac proficient and have my own empire of macs that i take care of for friends and family] thanks for the thought though. aww, shucks... thanks!
  16. I have a mac. hard drive is full and i either have to sacrifice my mp3s or sacrifice doing any professional work on it. i will be spending my $600 on upgrading the hard drive and hoping the machine recognizes it since they didn't make 250Gb drives when my machine was made. it's my 3rd mac in 10 years. my professional software takes up 25GB of space, for just the software. I remember when a 1GB hard drive was a big deal.
  17. whoever wants a cell phone jammer should move to DC, i'm sure you could pluck one off of a secret service guy, or bring down a chopper when they fly over, or hang out on my block by the russian embassy there's something funny going on over there when it comes to using your cell phone near that place. things i covet: a computer that doesn't become obsolete in less than 3 years to the point of uselessness or expensive upgrades to not have to work anymore. i really just want to make art.
  18. yeah, yeah, ok technically the sweet isn't in there, although it should be because anytime someone starts singing that song the first word out of their mouth is...sweet. ah well. i could edit my post but that would be too simple. oh and i'm really bad at song titles never rely on me to provide proper song title information. sorry to have thrown you under the bus there plasticeyeball.
  19. "Sweet Melissa" ok not really a favorite of mine, but that's because it got really old really quick when people would first meet me they'd start singing this song. then when i got to college every time it would get played at a party there was this weird serenade in which the whole room would sing to me (either that or i was really drunk and simply thought the whole room was singing to me...either way).
  20. oh, i'm really bad with song names. don't know them, but i do know it was from the brawlers, bawlers, and bastards album and was a bawler. i was quite surprised and actually paused the lunch conversation and pointed out to everyone at the table that the restaurant was playing tom waits. they all looked at me a bit puzzled and we went back to our regular conversation. my colleagues are used to me and my musical nuances.
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