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Everything posted by Littlebear

  1. True, John made only two good albums - especially Plastic Ono Band (which to me is a real work of art). But I would exchange them with the entire Paul's body of work. Because what I appreciate beyond the quality of the music, is the power of expression. Sometime with John it's too nude, raw, not tuneful enough, provocating, disturbing, etc... but it's valuable effort from a man speaking his heart out. With Paul, it's usually a guy having fun with music. Sometime brilliant, sometime not, usually cool. But that's it.
  2. This poll is insane. It would have been less insane without the last option.
  3. The Beatles would have been my fave band ever... if there hadn't been the Velvet Underground.
  4. I got it too. And June Tabor's Apples from the same UK label (Topic).
  5. Didn't Devendra remind you of Tyrannosaurus Rex? Listen to "Debora".
  6. Me too! Don't you think they sound a lot like Wilco? At least musically... ironically, it was recommended by Jeff Tweedy (through his Top 5).
  7. Matthew Ryan ~ From a Late Night High Rise
  8. Yep: Eye of the Storm, Deeper Well, High, Wide & Lonesome or Through a Glass Darkly are my favorites. I have most of them (except the new one and a few others).
  9. Man, I'm a big fan of Steve Young! Too bad his original albums are all out of stock and hard to find/very expensive on CD. His body of work needs to be reissued. I only have what is available, which makes about five CDs I think. now playing: Richard & Linda Thompson: Shoot Out the Lights
  10. I like Todd, but they are many at least as good as him. With all due respect. How about one of Townes best friends, David Olney? Do you know what Townes said about Olney? That he was among his big four, the three others being Bob Dylan, Lightnin' Hopkins and Mozart!
  11. Townes' Our Mother the Mountain (1969) is in my all-time Top 10. Townes is of those who move me the deepest. It doesn't stand on the lyrics only. It's a whole thing, the words, how they're written and delivered, the rhythm, the music, the voice, the way he plays guitar.
  12. Ticket To Ride's probably in my Top 10. Actually, I love all the folk-rock phase of Mr Lennon. And "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" is so good. But the guy could make anything with that voice. I even like the "minor" songs like "It's Only Love" and "I've Just Seen a Face" (curiously, both opened each side of the US Rubber Soul if I remember well - not that I was there (not even born), but read a US discography once on the net).
  13. Heard her first album. Not so bad, but too mainstream to my taste. She sounds like a bland country-pop-rock version of Muse, Jeff Buckley, 80's U2, or even Radiohead. That girl could end writing stuff similar to "Karma Police" or "Creep".
  14. The title-track remains my favorite Beatles song ever (and that means a lot, considering the many great tunes they recorded). For the pre-Rubber Soul era, my preferences go to With the Beatles and Beatles for Sale.
  15. 1972, second album, live. Excellent guitarist, pretty good singer as well.
  16. This 2 CDs collection features the three original albums of Tim Hart and Maddy Prior, Folk Songs of Old England, vol. 1 & 2 (1968 & 1969) and Summer Solstice (1971).
  17. One of my last year's fave albums. So, nobody heard Ezra Furman & the Harpoons? Curious.
  18. I'd be surprised if none of you know them around here, since they're from Chicago. And all I have to say is : watch out, Conor Oberst and Ryan Adams!
  19. Peter Himmelman, The Pigeons Couldn't Sleep (2007) I LOVE it.
  20. Everyone go to the end of that interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoVJ-55ZloE Jim Morrison was far to be an idiot. He was certainly stuck in drugs, but was a quite clever visionary. In 69, he says that in five years, people will listen to electronics and music made by the machines. And that's what happened (with Kraftwerk and so on). Regarding Jim's poetry: there are all sorts of poets, and poetries. Jim's goal wasn't to write cute poems with skilful rhymes. And if his ambitions were too high (and overrated by his fans - OF COURSE: which fan doesn't overrate anyway?), at least he h
  21. Thanks for the special recommendations - I have purchased Fairport's Unhalfbricking for a start with them... Also a Sandy Denny solo (Sandy). Will give a listen to these Trees.
  22. I started with this: Simply Folk and then purchased a lot of stuff (only Pentangle from what you mention just above, but a lot of other artists and bands) The Strawbs tend more to prog, don't they?
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