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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=27666 That topic has a lot of discussion about the bonus DVD version. Someone wrote to Musictoday, and they seemed to indicate that the version that comes with the vinyl will not have the bonus DVD. Page 2 of that thread, I think.
  2. Thanks so much, Warner! If anyone is making cover art for this show I suggest using Morgan's "facial gymnastics" photo of Jeff, so that those who weren't there have the visual to go along with Jeff's story.
  3. No idea - but the tickets officially go on sale Saturday 4/21, so it would have to be sometime before that.
  4. He did. It probably just hasn't made its way to Wilcobase yet.
  5. Interesting. Maybe it ended up taking on a new meaning and direction in its later stages. (Unless by the first part you meant he just told you it was goose-bump-inducing.)
  6. "the goose- bump-inducing closer, "On and On and On," which Tweedy wrote for his dad after his mother passed away." Hmmm, I think it debuted in late 2005.
  7. She is lovely! Congratulations, quarter23cd! (Peel, I saw this thread and opened it and saw the picture and for a moment I thought you'd had a baby.)
  8. My first concert was the Beach Boys at the Wisconsin State Fair, in 1988 I believe. I was 8. First real concert I went to without the family was U2 at Soldier Field, 1997. The first album I bought for myself (on a trip to the mall with no parents!) was Wilson Phillips' self-titled album, on CD. 1990. Hmmm, the Wilson family played a prominent part in my early musical experiences.
  9. Happy birthday, Dave! I hope to see you in June, too!
  10. Wilcoworld gets about 10% of the venue, typically, to sell during a presale. Best of luck during the general onsale.
  11. JUN-14 CINCINNATI, OH ARONOFF CENTER I'll add it to the original post, while I'm at it. The Toronto date, too. I hope BadInnPlaid doesn't mind.
  12. I typically have my alarm set for about half an hour before I have to get up, which is about three complete snooze cycles. But it's really pretty pointless, since after the first alarm goes off I'll hit snooze - but I hate anticipating the alarm going off again ... so I'll then doze/rest lightly and hit snooze again four minutes later ... and so on ... so the alarm never actually goes off again. It's not very restful, so I don't know why I keep doing it.
  13. Johnny, it was great to see you again - and your whole family! I already told you how much I liked the poster, and now that it's signed by the artist I'll have to find a place of honor for it.
  14. I don't think it's uncommon for the Vic folks to be a little confused about stuff. When we first went in, we had to tell the security people that some of the seats were reserved. Anyway, I saw other people taking pictures during the show too - I'm sure it was intended to be allowed.
  15. It was a request, yes. I think Paul was keeping track of who asked for which songs (as Jeff announced them) so he might even know who it was. Nice pictures, Morgan! They told us "no cameras" as we were going inside - I had a moment of panic because I had mine with me and my car was about half a mile away, but then I realized there was no way they were going to check. I still didn't have the guts to take it out during the show, though. I'm glad you did.
  16. A certain trusty fellow has the complete setlist, and I'm sure he'll post it in the next day or so if nobody else has one. What a super show. I think lessthanIthink remembered most of the songs, but there was also "The Auld Triangle" (!) I was thrilled to finally hear "Pot Kettle Black" again. And "Less Than You Think," of course. Oh, and I thought "You Are My Face" was terrific live. I can't wait to see it played with the full band. Also thoroughly enjoyed Jeff's "German interviewer" impressions. All of his impressions, actually. I keep trying to think of new ways to say "Jeff
  17. I've never actually seen Low - though I saw the Black Eyed Snakes open for the Jayhawks a few years ago. Very cool.
  18. I downloaded this as soon as it was put up, but haven't listened yet. I'm saving it for a car ride tomorrow. Thanks, Warner!
  19. Grammar: 100% Punctuation: 100% Spelling: 100% Vocabulary: 80% Damn knowing what words mean
  20. http://pollstar.com/news/viewnews.pl?NewsID=7810 The poster art thing is cool, but must everything become the same?
  21. I'm not familiar with it, but I will be seeing Neko a week from Monday. At the Barrymore.
  22. It's been played live a few times, actually, and it does rock.
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