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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Good finds! I didn't know about either one.
  2. OK, I watched this dick. . er, doc. . . tonight. Jeff didn't make it in the film itself, but he had a pretty extended deleted scene. It was backstage before a show--not sure of the timeframe, but Sue mentioned the Spin article, which seemed about right. It was actually a kind of touching little segment--lots of good humor all around. Cynthia asked about casting his banana and he said he didn't have any backstage but posed with a pretzel rod instead. He was very sweet and respectful to her--it was one of the few scenes where I wasn't cringing. Sue was funny--she said something about his fans be
  3. Oh crap, I had never heard about this. I work a little part-time job at an amazing independent video store, and I just found out that we have this. I'll be checking it out tonight and will post a full report. Not getting my hopes "up" (so to speak) though I would love to see that on my mantel.
  4. Josh Groban was in Crazy, Stupid, Love in a minor role, playing a weaselly character. He has such an unfortunate, weak looking face, which made him perfect for the role. I didn't realize who it was for sure until I saw the credits--I just knew he looked familiar and it made me queasy to see him. I hate that shit!
  5. I guess people look for different things in interviews. I really liked this one and I didn't think the interviewer was a jerk at all. It seemed like he was a real fan, even if he did sound a little bit "hip." And I liked the relaxed, conversational vibe--it didn't seem that Jeff had any particular agenda or that he was aggressively promoting the new record. Kinda refreshing. Good point, Amaranthine, about Jeff's Obama fandom. I was thinking the same thing--it was sweet!
  6. I'm listening to this now. http://www.hawaiipub...ended-interview Nice! Just finished listening. It's a terrific interview--he sounds so relaxed and funny. He tells some stories about his (non) encounters with Willie Nelson, getting a voicemail from Barack Obama, and just generally sounds very fresh and happy. I'll bet this turns out to have been a terrific solo show too--I sure hope tapers were there!
  7. I'm almost positive I read somewhere that Jeff Tweedy's music publishing rights are still with WMG, although I can't find the reference right now.
  8. A couple of my roomies at Solid Sound were at the festival and said it was a good show, although a little short at approx. 90 minutes. There may be a couple of youtube vids up. Also, Mikael tweeted some pics from the festival. Looks like a beautiful setting.
  9. Update: turns out I've got friends who want to go to both shows, so this offer is off the table. I got enthusiastic during the presale and bought 2 tickets each for the 9/25 show at Meriweather and the 9/27 show in Raleigh. I'll be driving to each show from Norfolk. I haven't firmed up my plans yet but will probably leave late morning on Sunday for the Meriweather show and drive back after the show that night (or maybe spend the night--it depends). For Raleigh, which has reserved seating, I'll probably leave around noonish on Tuesday and spend the night somewhere cheap after the show. Th
  10. Next year I'm definitely coming a day early. There really is just too much to see and do during the festival itself, and I keep missing the exhibits in the galleries. Plus, there were all kinds of band sightings around town the day before. I also heard the 5-year contract rumor, both from the parking lot attendant at the Holiday Inn and from the owner of a B&B. I sure hope it's true, but I don't consider either of those sources definitive.
  11. Isn't this great? I posted it in another thread but I agree, it needs its own thread. Moderators, if you're reading, please delete my previous post. The idea that The Atlantic has this coverage gives me hope that there will be a 2012. Hoping, hoping. . .
  12. Thanks, new site looks great, at least on a BlackBerry. And I didn't need to update my bookmark either.
  13. Cool! The artist's proof one I got was the yellow. The colors on these posters are so vivid. It'll be fun trying to decide how to frame them, but one thing for sure is that I'll spring for the no-glare glass. I want to preserve that color impact as much as possible.
  14. I got my posters yesterday. Oh, I love them! I thought they were both going to be the same color (I was getting one as an early birthday present for my friend who also came to Solid Sound) but one was yellow and the other turquoise. Now I have to choose! By the way, anyone know what an unnumbered one means? One of them is numbered 90/100 but the other one has no number--it says A/P (I think--I'm not near it right now). I'm not much of a collector generally, so I've never seen that before. Anyway, they are gorgeous, and THANK YOU, Leigh, for posting the message about them being up for sale
  15. Actually, Jeff did have a short interview with Terri Gross that aired on September 2, 2002, just before IATTBYH opened. You can find a link to it here. When you click on the link to the Fresh Air interview, you'll find that the Listen button doesn't work (for me, anyway). The only way you can listen is to click on the Real Media link on the right. It's a short but nice interview, and he sings "Hesitating Beauty" in the studio. I included that link above because it's got links to a lot of other Wilco-related content. Most diehard fans have probably read these already, but some people might fi
  16. Go to Wilcoworld.net and follow the instructions on the page there. There'll be a link to Front Gate Tickets, where you need to sign up. Get all this done not later than the day before the presale.
  17. I'm with you. I remember camping out for many shows (Stones, Springsteen, a CSNY Tour) and if you came well prepared with a sleeping bag, books and a boombox, you could have a decent time out there in line. Plus, you're hanging out with other fans, there was always someone to make friends with, you could band together to get someone to go out for food. There were worse ways to spend a night, and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow was guaranteed great seats. All in all, it seemed like sort of an event, and it was FAIR!
  18. I agree about that ACL recording. I was already hooked at that point, but that's what first got my friend intrigued enough to listen to those guys I kept talking about. She said she finally saw what I meant--I believe she said "they're the real deal, aren't they?" And I keep that one permanently saved on my DVR--nice to watch again occasionally.
  19. Section 1, row c, seat 2 for 2nd night of Ryman. Only 1 ticket, pretty far over to the side, but 1st row! I'll take it! No luck for 1st night--maybe tomorrow. . . Now, how to get there, where to stay, etc. But yay--I'm in for Raleigh, Meriweather and at least one night at the Ryman. Edit: Now to get back to work so I don't get fired from my new job.
  20. The website is completely different now, but I assume you know that. I think it's still a work in progress, but it looks like most of the functionality is still there, though arranged differently. I miss the loft photos, where you could zoom in and around. I hope that gets added back.
  21. Yes, I had the same issue. That's why I suggested (a few posts earlier) to make sure everything's working properly with Frontgate before Wed. morning. I was even thinking of trying to store credit card info but their site doesn't permit that, according to their rep.
  22. According to Frontgate, there is no presale password for Wed. morning--you just have to be signed up with Frontgate. Also, they said you can't store credit card information with them. So, apaarently, if you remember your sign-in info and password, and if the system recognizes you, that's about all you can do in advance. Oh, and pray. If anyone knows anything different, let me know, please--even if by PM. It's good karma!
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