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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. I'm with you, worldrecordplayer. I have a feeling we're going to get soaked just like at the second Solid Sound. To be honest,that was a great weekend and I'll be expecting these shows to be great as well. Rain be damned! It's Wilco, dammit!
  2. Raleigh is 40-55. Most of them are in this range or a little higher. Port Chester must be an expensive theater to book. When has Wilco ever screwed us over?
  3. Anybody know anything about the Raleigh venue? The box office is closed for today and it's probably not going to open before 10 AM tomorrow when the presale starts. When I go on their website it looks like the venue is primarily GA except for some reserved seats a few rows back. They're probably good seats but I would always prefer to be in the pit. So basically I'm wondering if I need to get myself into a big lather trying to get great seats first thing in the morning when I would prefer the GA section anyway. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  4. RAH-LEE! RAH-LEE! RAH-LEE!!! Driving distance!!!
  5. Thanks! I guess I could've looked that up myself, but I appreciate your doing it. I thought maybe it was some inside joke about damn Ryan Adams!
  6. I haven't heard about it either. Maybe they were waiting until all the singles had been released for the pre-order folks to put this offer out there. I tell ya, the marketing folks are doing a bang-up job on this one.
  7. I've seen Ryan Adams referred to as DRA a few times. Why is that?
  8. Looks like Nick Offerman is directing a new video for Low Key https://twitter.com/TreeHouseCats/status/506223936074682368/photo/1
  9. Seriously you guys we need to do this. There aren't that many questions posted as of now and most of them are stupid. (I know mine is...)
  10. This was a phone interview conducted on his 47th birthday. Some hints about what's coming up, but nothing really specific. Still, a nice read. http://bostonherald.com/entertainment/music/music_news/2014/08/qa_jeff_tweedy_talks_music?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bostonherald%2Fentertainment%2Fmusic+%28Music+-+Entertainment+-+BostonHerald.com%29
  11. In the October 2014 issue of Uncut there is a sidebar article about a project jeff is working on to polish up and release a lot of Pops Staples unpublished works. I don't have a link to the article because I don't think it's been made available electronically for free but it was very interesting. It sounded like it was due to be released before the end of the year and he's working in conjunction with Mavis.
  12. I do wonder what will be next. A pie in the face for something or other would be fun.
  13. FYI, there's apparently a long interview with Jeff in the October issue of Uncut with Nick Drake on the cover. From a promotional blurb: Looks like an interesting issue. It also includes features on Ryan Adams and Steve Albini.
  14. I know a couple of Wilco fans who went to the 9:30 club last night for the Big Star tribute with Pat Sansone (among many others), but unfortunately they don't generally post on here. Did anyone else go, and if so would you let us know how it was? It looks like they were at the Cat's Cradle the night before.
  15. I was just reading that he severely sprained his ankle the night before. Did you notice anything amiss?
  16. I'm not sure why but one of the scenes that stuck with me the most was early in the film when Ethan Hawke's character first showed up, I think, and was talking with his ex mother in law about returning the kids to their mother. The underlying tension and manipulations that were going on in that scene were like a master class in acting. It was actually just one of dozens of scenes that resonated with such truth. Following up on Beltmann's observation, it was also rewarding to watch the way the relationships--even among somewhat incidental characters--transformed and evolved over time.
  17. You guys, right this minute you can still get 2nd row pit, row BBB, seat 10. If there's anyone on here going to Akron (not me, unfortunately), you should jump on this!
  18. Driving home in the car tonight and listening to a live show (I think it was the first year of Solid Sound), I was just struck by how good the band sounded and how much I've missed them. I think it's been over a year since I've seen the whole band. I'm so excited to see them again!
  19. Wow, you guys that can hold out and wait for the whole album: Respect! I bet you can stick to diets too,
  20. Oh, interesting stuff. I assume you will rush right down to the store when that full Music Express interview has been published and tell us even more! Thanks for the info!
  21. Thanks for posting that image. I forget--who's been there before? What do you know about the Triangle and Shakedown stages? Are the acts playing there before and after--not during--the acts on the two main stages? One of the things that makes me most happy about this festival is that I understood there are no overlapping acts.
  22. Oh, well that makes sense. So definitely read it online while you can--I love the footnote with the Lester Bangs quote. And if it ever disappears or the links are dead, it's here for posterity.
  23. Thanks for posting the link to the original article. It's much better to read it that way, including the very interesting "footnotes." But I was limited to my phone this morning and couldn't seem to post the link, so I just copied and pasted. I can't imagine what could be actually wrong with posting the full text of the article, though.
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