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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Ooh, that’s exciting. I’ve been requesting Mountain Bed for Asheville on the website, because it’s a mountain town. This gives me hope they might do it!
  2. A young lady who’s a friend of big Wilco fans Jimmy and Liz McGuirl was seriously injured in the Las Vegas shooting. A friend has set up a GoFundMe page for her here: https://www.gofundme.com/allisons-recovery-fund. If you read past the first page you’ll see Allison’s post about her experiences. Somehow it makes it all more real and relatable when you read a first person account. Allison’s injuries to her arm were serious and have already required 2 surgeries with more to come, and her boyfriend was less seriously injured with shrapnel wounds he received while trying to protect her. Alliso
  3. I was talking about the song Via Chicago on the album Summerteeth. But now that I reread my original post I sure didn't make that clear, did I? Except of course I have never heard the song Summerteeth performed with a cacophonous noise break in it!
  4. Psychedelic Furs tonight at the Norva, with Bash & Pop (Tommy Stinson) opening.
  5. Yeah, I can research this on my own by going on good old So Out of Tune. I just wondered if anyone who's been following closely for a long time might happen to know. I'm guessing there may have been a turning point at some momentous show and they probably have kept it up from that point on. I'll do a little homework and will report back if I figure it out.
  6. I was just listening to Summerteeth today all the way through for the first time in a while and it made me wonder when Wilco started performing Via Chicago with the really dramatic noise part. It's such a stunner in concert, especially for people not that familiar with the songs. The audience goes nuts when they hear that cacophony of noise, then when it stops on a dime and you just hear Jeff's calm, resolute vocals, and then boom, the noise starts again. It's so powerful and it always gives me the chills. But I'm assuming they didn't always perform it this way. It's certainly not that dramati
  7. Now that's funny. Anthony Mason on the CBS Evening News signed off with something similar. He quoted Hef as saying "In my wildest dreams I could not have imagined a sweeter life." Anthony Mason said "Well, we hope he's in a better place, but I'm not sure that's possible."
  8. Hmm, well we are East Coast (me)/West Coast (Kidsmoke). But we're pacifists. Nary a gun to be found on us! That was me. Welcome!
  9. Hey there. I'm a moderator on that Facebook group. Just search on Facebook for A Shot in the Arm: the Wilco fan group. What choo-choo-charlie said above is accurate. You will find one very simple question (What's your favorite Wilco album? Tell us more if you'd like.) The purpose of the question is to provide at least a minimum barrier to entry to keep out people who are simply group collectors--people who want to join every group under the sun and just want to troll or promote something. I'm always referring members to Via Chicago over there, by the way, for anybody looking for an in-depth
  10. Just one person's opinion, of course, but I would definitely get the Sunday Tweedy and friends set as well.
  11. I resorted to StubHub, unfortunately, so no more need for a ticket.
  12. That's exactly what I'm trying to focus on (through tears). This seems to open up the possibility of a second TWEEDY album, a TWEEDY tour, a Jeff solo tour, getting that memoir out, etc. I'm trying to be brave and optimistic. It also validated my plans to add Atlanta to my already-scheduled Asheville show. Got to stock up on the Wilco memories to get me through a Wilcoless 2018. Waaahh!
  13. I'm going to Asheville and just decided that it's ridiculous to only do one show on this tour so I want to add Atlanta but only if I can get a really good seat. I will of course pay full face + fees and even buy you a beverage of your choice!!
  14. Good questions all, lost highway. I've been looking forward to hearing some updates on that memoir and I've also been hoping for a Jeff solo or Tweedy tour. But I haven't heard a word. I have been assuming that Wilco won't be touring for a little while after this upcoming run since Glenn will be spending time with his wife and family in Europe.
  15. Amen! Good on you for letting him know you appreciated his enthusiasm. And thanks so much, as always, for the detailed reportage. It's the next best thing to being there. It made my heart happy to hear what Jeff said about his dad's passing.
  16. Thank you very much, Poppydawn, for sharing these personal recollections. I remember the first time I saw Bob was in the Ashes of American Flags documentsry at the end when he was talking about how proud he was of Jeff, and you could just see him beaming with pride. And then Jeff, in his typical fashion, said something about not being able to deny that was his dad since they look so much alike. They just exuded such warmth and closeness. And over the years Jeff told so many little vignettes about his dad ("I left your beehind" and imitating his dance moves) that I always felt they must have h
  17. I didn't know that about Casino Queen, Donna. Bob must have been a piece of work in his heyday.
  18. My heart goes out to Bob Tweedy and all of those who love him.
  19. just pulled a very nice seat for Asheville but a friend was also looking and found a slightly better seat so now I am offering this one for sale. It is center orchestra row E seat 15. I believe I can transfer it to you via Ticketmaster since I chose the eTicket option. Total including fees is just over $100. Anyone?
  20. I just pulled a very nice seat for Asheville but a friend was also looking and found a slightly better seat so now I am offering this one for sale. It is center orchestra row E seat 15. I believe I can transfer it to you via Ticketmaster since I chose the eTicket option. Total including fees is just over $100. Anyone?
  21. Aaargh, presales! NOTHING for Asheville!
  22. I agree with everything you said. It's so baffling to me why we're still a relatively small number of people, but I've come to accept that Jeff either resonates with you or he doesn't. If he doesn't, you're never going to get it. If you connect with his songs and his voice on some soul level, though, you're never going to get over it.
  23. Road trip to Asheville for me. But yikes, it's over 6 hours! Anyone from my general direction (Norfolk, VA) or along the way want to come along?
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