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Basil II

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Everything posted by Basil II

  1. I'm a happy camper.......I really forgot how fun this music was.........The video just is the icing on the cake!!!!\\ -Robert.
  2. The best version of that song was by the garage band ,"The Sonics"....from Seattle. -Robert.
  3. why am I thinkin' Slim Pickens right about now????? -Robert.
  4. Annexation is the answer. -Robert.
  5. Whoa! they grow up so FAST!!!! Have fun Rosie! -Robert.
  6. This is my choice...........it fits me to a tee right now.... -Robert.
  7. Via Chicago on "Summerteeth" was hard to top....... But Glenn's "guns and thunder" approach in the at the end is sublime!!! -Robert.
  8. wow........this was a real fun read....and great education,Thanks!!! -Robert.
  9. I hope some one will have the forsight to tape this..........should be a helluva show!!!! Much luck to Ed!!!!! -Robert.
  10. It's good for autonomy and adds years to your life!!! Congrats Louie!!! -Robert.
  11. Appearances in Spokane , WA during Wilco's career................0,big fat zero. I may have to head to Seattle.........(FYI.......I may be even be moving there...) -Robert.
  12. "Impossible Germany.......Unlikely Spokane!!!!".... -Robert.
  13. The Doors Buick commercial did indeed air in markets in the South.......when JDM found out ,,he was livid according contemporary acounts........the doors then became a band first friends ....a distant second. remember ....this band was fully 1/4 voting power........something wilco never was..... -Robert.
  14. The Byrds-Farther Along a most beautiful (not intended) swan song record..... -Robert.
  15. Dolorean (a grossly underrated band.....) Califone Freinds of Dean Martinez Calexico Richmond Fontaine -Robert.
  16. That RD cover several posts up would be cool on a T-Shirt......I would like a Bennett reference,though.... -Robert.
  17. It's all Jay Bennett's fault........ -Robert.
  18. all we get is Hell's Belle's (AC/DC ) and No Quarter (LZ)........ -Robert.
  19. I second this book.........an absolutely sublime read..... -Robert.
  20. You want to retire with a smile down the road..... excellent work Lou!!! -Robert.
  21. Once again......the Grand Dame of VC has come through......again!!!! Thanks donna! -Robert.
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