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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Not a Christmas commercial, but I just saw a commercial for the first time last night, and it might be my all time fave: The Ball Bike.
  2. Well, at least one of the old school guard is taking legal action: http://www.avclub.com/articles/and-now-george-clinton-is-suing-the-black-eyed-pea,49049/
  3. None of the artists given as examples of Pop->Serious are artists who pretended to be pop just so they could get their "real" material published later, which is what the original scenario describes. Right? Beatles, Buddy Holly, Stones, Dylan, Marianne Faithfull, etc. were all doing what they wanted to do at the time they were doing it - they weren't selling out at the beginning of their careers just to get their foot in the door, so that at a later time they could afford to be true to their real artistic inclinations.
  4. Well, there were four lads from Liverpool... But, they're an example of artistic growth, rather than one of suppressing true artistic inclinations to make it big. Their song-writing skills grew from the days of Love me Do. John wasn't sitting on "Revolution", waiting to spring it on unsuspecting girliefans only after he had cornered the song-writing market.
  5. Bruce Springsteen REM Lucinda Williams (except for Car Wheels on a Gravel Road) Jay Z Kings of Leon Patty Smith Eric Clapton
  6. The Avengers! 1 point for the Bay Area scene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G31QmJHlMXs
  7. I like the idea of The New Pornographers, but I really only enjoy the songs that Neko has a big presence in. NRBQ: I really like the idea of NRBQ, and I really enjoyed the 2-3 times I've seen them live, but I never have interest in listening to their albums.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei5l3r1dV4I&feature=player_embedded Apparently, they decided to make a movie based on rockem sockem robots?
  9. 79!!! Wholly Shite! We keep our house at 60. And, I forgot to add to my list: I LOVE shoveling. LOVE IT. Takes me an hour to shovel my driveway. Had to do it this morning. So quiet. Only other sound was the distant scrape of someone else shoveling their drive. I take pride in my clean driveway.
  10. I love getting into a cold bed. I love taking a winter walk, being bundled up, but having a frozen face. I love winter saunas.
  11. I didn't care for it. But from the responses here, I'm in the minority. I LOVE zombie stuff. I thought The Walking Dead was very weak.
  12. Any positive comments on the first season? I'll keep my debbie downer opinion to myself...
  13. Yes. Los Lobos' Tin Can Trust was a good one. I also enjoyed The Sword's Warp Riders and Tom Petty & The Heartbreaker's Mojo.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCi17SEPgpc&feature=related
  15. I really like this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Who4OL08iR8&feature=related
  16. Watched Ridley Scott's Robin Hood. Kind of a stinker. I LOLed at the medieval French having front-loading landing craft - (an innovation not made until the 20th century).
  17. Here. Love. Sir Stewart - you write "even Mr. Moonlight", and I'm inferring your phrasing to mean that you think it's a weak song... Do you think so? It has some of the band's best 3-part harmony, and there's not many equal examples of John's singing - he really nails the first line. For those reasons, I absolutely love the song.
  18. Anyone mention The Mosquitos yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK_jq-Obv8s
  19. I spy with my little eye a MPFC boxset. I'd like to get the Criterion blurays of 400 Blows and Breathless. I wish they'd do a treatment of Umbrellas of Cherbourg.
  20. I wonder how DVR has affected air-rates for commercials. I wonder what percentage of viewers are like me - that they only view "taped" shows?
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