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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. I switched over to the Kettle Moraine area. Fuck the twig pigs, man!
  2. KM looked wide open, but I was left with the impression that it was only for campers with horses.
  3. I searched to see if there was already a thread, but pulled up zero results, so here we are... I can't get enough of their harmonies. Their voices (they're sisters) mesh so well it's eerie. Their latest album came out last week. It's good. I have all of their albums, and I'm a big fan. Here's a clip of them performing a Patti Smith song, for Patti. Looks like she gets a bit choked up towards the end of the performance.
  4. Get on it. I've read on reddit that Alpine will not be allowing camping for this particular weekend, and a lot of sites that were open a couple days ago (I checked out Big Foot park in Lake Geneva) are already booked solid now. The Bong recreation area is about 20 miles away, but only had 5 spots when I booked today. I used this site: https://wisconsinstateparks.reserveamerica.com/welcome.do?tti=home
  5. Yes, both nights. Lawn x 2. See you then? I just booked two nights camping at the Bong Recreation area. Check and Mate.
  6. Trump asked to borrow a Van Gogh painting for the White House. He was offered a golden toilet instead.
  7. I just wanted to make sure I had something in hand, but I'm doing the same as you. I'm going to try for seats on Friday.
  8. Ha - I remember you! Wait, no I don't. I hardly remember anything about that 4 day stretch, other than tripping balls and being freaked out that some dude was talking backwards, yet I could still understand him.
  9. I just bit the bullet and snagged tix to see Dead & Co LLP at Alpine Valley. This will be my debut with them. $45 for lawn tickets wasn't too bad...
  10. Save your money. The Eagles Ballroom is easily the worst-sounding venue I've ever been to. (with an honorable mention to the Aragon Theater in Chicago). I lived in Milwaukee for about 5 years, and saw Wilco there on their Sky Blue Sky tour. The sound was awful. I don't know why acts bother booking there.
  11. I’ve become inured to his lying, I guess.
  12. It's not his use of "shithole" that bothers me, because I would be a hypocrite if I thought so. I've used that term plenty of times myself. It's the "why" in "Why do need to take people from these shithole countries?" that really bothers me. Because Trump really doesn't know. That's why he's asking the question. It's the shithole countries that we need to take MORE people from. Trump wants people from Norway? People from Norway have a very nice and wealthy country already. Why would one of them want asylum here? There's a meme going around with a George Washington quote. Being a meme, I
  13. Saw The Shape of Water over the weekend. I really liked it. I'm a big fan of Guillermo del Toro.
  14. I'm guessing because he was the highest up the ladder in the Trump campaign, and he's the one with the NDA, and he's the one who was sent a cease and desist letter.
  15. Go Bernie: https://twitter.com/SenSanders/status/948951780871819264
  16. Bannon is the only party to his non-disclosure agreement, not the publisher, and not Wolff. It's not the publisher's issue.
  17. Trump is trying to stop the book from being published... http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/367390-trump-trying-to-stop-publication-of-explosive-book-about-his?amp
  18. Looking forward to the Zappa Roxy boxset - Feb 2. 7 CDs for $50. Not a bad deal at all. Oh, and First Aid Kit has a new album coming out in a couple weeks.
  19. Wish I could say “Waco Brothers ” First time in a long time that I’m not going to their annual Schubas show.
  20. I know he’s supremely talented. I’m just not interested.
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