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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. What's good for Thor is good for Zeppelin. I haven't seen it, but apparently Immigrant Song makes not one, but two appearances in the movie. Perfect. Can anyone explain to me what that 4-beat audio hiss is at the beginning of the recording?
  2. Dead & Co's set from last night's Benefit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wLSsByreP8&feature=youtu.be Kinda meh. I'm not feeling it. Playing In The Band Deal Scarlet Begonias Fire on the Mountain Not Fade Away Touch of Grey
  3. If anyone is interested in an Apple Lossless version of Dave's 24, drop me a PM.
  4. Sweet! So how do we defeat evil? I do my part by smoking pot and playing frisbee and showing my boys the life-long love affair they'll have with Lego.
  5. I suppose that Brazile's book sales will indicate who gives a shit.
  6. There's no question she was prepared. The ethical question is that Hillary kept her mouth shut when she was given advance notice of questions that were coming her way. And Brazile has admitted to such, so, there's no "if."
  7. not at all. It just bothers me that people are getting rich off of book deals over this kind of shit, when her ethics couldn't be bothered when it mattered most.
  8. Keep in mind that the author, Donna Brazile, was the one who made the great ethical choice of handing HRC the questions before the debate. Fuck Donna Brazile. She's got a book to push. That's the only reason she's spilling her guts now.
  9. One pattern is definite. If you're a crew member for whatever tour, you get a satin jacket.
  10. You'll see summer come again. Like a song that's born to soar the sky.
  11. Had it "cranking" out of a little blue tooth speaker as I was raking leaves yesterday. Great soundtrack for me. But it got me to thinking - I would love it if Dave based his picks on the season for which that particular pick is coming out. He has 4 picks a year, why not match the season?
  12. ^^^ Happy Days also made extensive use of his “I’m Walkin” IIRC, but maybe I’m just confusing it with Blues Brothers.
  13. I've read that there are a few songs in the 2nd set that have never been available.
  14. "He knew what he signed up for..." Did Trump really say that? I always use the Tony Soprano line (yelled during a fight with Carm) "You knew what you was gettin into!" when my wife complains about me wanting to grill (again).
  15. Wow, Love it. But, was hoping they would eventually make a box set out of that 4 day run... The free sample is terrific.
  16. I’m team Dweezil, but I’ve never been able to get interested in seeing a FZ cover band. If it’s not FZ on guitar, I’m not interested.
  17. Some 15th century Cyprian monk. That or a carnie.
  18. Wow, nice one. That's it exactly. Tom says something similar right at the 1:25 mark. My poor memory thought they were the same. Man, that poor journalist. Every time the camera cuts to him, his expression just looks like "fuccccckkkkk, why did I request this assignment?"
  19. There's a line that Tom says, right at the beginning, right as they're walking into the house, that I swear I remember Dylan saying, but I don't remember where it was (it's either in the Scorsese documentary, or in Don't Look Back...) Something about "it's going to all come at you fast, and you're not going to remember everything..." My memory is telling me that it's from an interview with a British journalist, who might be asking him about his live 1/2 acoustic, 1/2 amped shows in '66... Anyone else know what I'm talking about?
  20. Today I learned that Listen To Her Heart is about Ike Turner making advances on Tom's then wife, Jane.
  21. They're fine. I think I enjoyed the various seasons in diminishing order. Odenkirk is great in the first season though. Billy Bob too.
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