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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Would definitely love to hear "All you ever wanted" live.
  2. I saw it last week. I liked it, but didn't think it was all that. Must have been a really weak year for flicks... I can't even remember the last time I went to a theater and was wowed. I think the current title holder is still Pan's Labyrinth or Persepolis.
  3. The Waterboys do a splendid rendition on Fisherman's Blues.
  4. This is the bike I want: a Velorbis Scrap Deluxe...
  5. it's one level up from tee-ball. you have a coach pitching. no leading off or stealing. Also the 10-run rule applies after the 2nd inning. Game is called for darkness and lightning strikes.
  6. If you had to make an all-star baseball team from Wilco songs (3 song limit from each album), which songs would you pick, and what positions would you put them at? Assume that you have a DH, a starting pitcher, middle relief, set-up guy, and closer. THEN, what would your batting order be, and who would you pinch run for, and which song would you sub out against southpaws? And which songs are switch-hitters? GO!
  7. No, but the elected songs enjoy a cushy lifestyle.
  8. Kinda like a congressperson. That song would represent the other songs when it goes to Washington.
  9. The usual practice is to have you sign the release before you're on camera, no?
  10. Isle of Skye, Scotland Simply the most beautiful landscape I've ever seen - and you can walk across any field you desire; there is no such thing as trespassing...
  11. Seriously??? The sound was so muddy that I could barely recognize what songs they were playing, and I could barely hear any vocals. I've seen them 4 times, and the two shows in Milwaukee (Rave and Turner) were by far the worst. (The best 2 being First Ave. in Minneapolis and Paradiso in Amsterdam.) I had to apologize to friends that I was trying to turn on to the Black Keys because the sound was one big echo-y loud mess. /hijack
  12. I'm guessing that a fellow all-star with the same last name is his "cousin"
  13. Turner Hall is about the same as the Rave as far as sound quality goes (shitastic), based on my very scientific single visit there to see the Black Keys last year.
  14. Rave/Eagles boycotters unite! I made the same promise after the same show! I moved to Milwauk about 3 years ago, and saw the following shows at the Rave: X (I cried - the sound was terrible). Black Keys (I cried again - sound was terrible on my birthday!). Regina Spektor - surprisingly, the sound was good, but it was only Regina and her piano... Then Wilco was my last show there... Never again!
  15. Come in Travis! "One of these days I'm gonna get myself organizized. All the animals come out at night. Queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick venal. Some day a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets. Thank god for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk. Listen you screwheads: Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the filth. Now I see clearly."
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if the Pabst shows are moved to the Riverside, like Neko's were... Thank God they're not playing at the Rave again...
  17. This whole thread should have been a poll. Joaquin Phoenix is: A. Weird B. High as a kite C. Not "really" weird, but is merely "acting" weird D. A genius Joaquin's appearance on Letterman left me: A. Feeling like I was the only one clever enough to be in on his joke. B. Nonplussed and afraid. C. Concerned for his welfare. D. Yearning for Andy Koufman.
  18. That's some serious 3-MVPs-in-a-row denial you've got going on there...
  19. What's the correct formula/ratio on Bud's salary vs reluctance to take a strong stand on steroid usage?
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