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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Holy smokes - I just poked around ticketmaster. For Soldier Field, Section 326, row 19 (I'm assuming there's maybe 20 more rows behind these seats to claim the title of WORST SEATS AVAILABLE) are $100 each. These are as far away from the stage as possible (excepting rows >19 in the same section). Jeez. Nice that ticketmaster/U2 gives you the option of paying the $50 fee to join the U2 club all at once...
  2. this is great btw. I'm amazed you were able to find actual footage.
  3. I didn't know the origin of the phrase "gaslighting" until I read this article today, but since "CNN is a fake news organization" ©, take this for what you will. http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/10/opinions/donald-trump-is-gaslighting-america-ghitis/
  4. Wait, Russia denies having compromising info on Trump. Phew, we're all cool again.
  5. Outrage fatigue means when you read something about Trump paying for a piss show and you think "sounds plausible" and then move on to check out last night's NHL box scores.
  6. Linda Cardellini has been in a ton of stuff since the show, most recently she had a pretty significant part in Mad Men. The dude who played her little brother was on Bones for 7 years, and apparently is a somewhat successful screenwriter (does writing Horrible Bosses count as success?) Martin Starr has been in a ton of stuff - he's in Silicon Valley now. The other geek - I don't know. But yes, a Count Floyd would have been righteous. Much agreed there. It was already sweet that they found a role for Joel Hodgson.
  7. I'm reading Trouble Boys - an excellent (and recent) book about the Replacements. I just learned that Kids Don't Follow was written by Westerberg as a direct response to seeing U2 doing I Will Follow at First Ave (then called Sam's).
  8. Pixies Alec Eiffel Letter to Memphis Trompe Le Monde Planet of Sound Where is my Mind?
  9. I get a kick out of reading the complaints on the dead.net reply thread that always follows a new Dave's Picks announcement - that ask for something in the 80s. Deadheads can get so crabby!
  10. ^Great live version from The Old Grey Whistle Test:
  11. To me it's never a good sign to first hear a song as an Acura commercial. But hey, whatever greases the Scientology skids...
  12. ^^^ I haven't listened to that album in a long time. Looking at the songlist, I will say that Zooropa and Stay (Faraway, So Close) are two all-time classics. Lemon's a great one, and The Wanderer is one of my favorite Johnny Cash songs.
  13. Ouch. To me, doing that is akin to them throwing in the towel. That's the kind of shit I would expect Oasis to do.
  14. What did you think of the Wacos show, Chez? Was Jon a little under the weather? He kept "joking" about it being the last Wacos show, and I was bummed out to not get to hear my favorite: Fox River... But otherwise a good show, no?
  15. Poor Analogman gets no credit for answering correctly firstly.
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