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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Ya know, it's really unfortunate, considering the quality of the shows and the recordings, that they never played Bird Song during their '72 Europe tour.
  2. I'm not seeing that they played a show on December 28, 1972... https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~./gdead/72.html
  3. Ended up purchasing the Fisherman's Box, thanks to this reminder. Great stuff.
  4. Didn't know that Waylon Jennings had a hit with a cover of Will The Wolf Survive... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2w4xiDstgM
  5. Robert Christgau praised the groups originality: "Their debut LP makes it sound as if they invented the style. Who did the original of that one, you wonder, only to discover that you're listening to the original."
  6. The two songs I listed I have direct experience correcting a deadhead friend on authorship. I make no claims that they would survive a survey.
  7. Nice short interview with Steve Vai about his audition with Zappa. Definitely parallel's the Barrow account posted earlier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx1RguHA4XE
  8. Knock Knock Who's There? Want Two CDs. Want Two CDs Who? Want To See Deez Nuts????
  9. I guess I would be OK for voting for Deez Nuts... Newscasters saying "Deez Nuts"
  10. To those who mentioned the Latin Playboys... YES! There were rumors of a third album and tour a while ago, but that obviously never materialized... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp7H1YDuDt0 I saw them in '99 at First Ave in Minneapolis. Such a great show.
  11. I've gotten half way through that article, but can we just start calling the Google Deep Dream Generator by its proper name: LSD-trippin-balls-vision?
  12. So you and Christgau aren't pals, apparently: http://www.robertchristgau.com/get_artist2.php?id=4155 Christgau hated everything Zappa until he revisited We're Only In It... in 1995, giving it an A.
  13. I agree with that, and I'm not an Obama defender. The Middle East was a shitshow before he turned up, and it's still a shitshow now.
  14. I'm not a fan, but didn't Garth Brooks write some very successful and popular tunes back in the day?
  15. I'm just assuming I would hate "Cut The Crap" by The Clash, because I've never bothered to listen to it. But that's what prejudice is all about, and I'm an American, damn it! #Hatesomethingbasedonassumptionsnotdirectknowledge
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