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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. unasked-for hugs are creepy, not to mention simple battery. The punishment is excessive though.
  2. Where does this backlash occur? Because I'm not seeing it here, nor have I experienced it for offering "anything lower than the highest praise" for them.
  3. Would invincibility also mean a lack of fatigue - as in, you'd never have to rest?
  4. Meh - I'm from Minnesota originally, and I have fond memories listening to the Replacements Let It Be when it came out - I was a freshman in highschool. (friend's cool older brother clued us in). But i don't think they deserve a spot in the Hall of Fame, whatever that means. They don't deserve a spot any more than the Minutemen or Husker Du do, and I love them all. Those bands weren't about "Hall of Fame" type of entertainment. Alan Trammell should be in the baseball HOF, and Sweet Lou too.
  5. I would be shocked if he didn't. Shit, nevermind.
  6. Why would you need a lotto ticket if you had the power to turn things into gold? Any time you need money, just find a big rock, turn it into gold, sell it for cash. Repeat ad nauseum. For me, I think I would want to keep my superpower a secret - and invisibility would be ideal for that. Freezing time would be useful - I'm assuming that means everything is frozen except for me? The long vision thing would be limited, since the world is round. You'd constantly need to find a high perch to make the power useful. I'll go with Invisibility then.
  7. I love a nice peanut butter and bacon on toasted bagel sammich, and people usually wrinkle their noses at me when it comes up, but I've never met someone who didn't love it once they've tried it.
  8. All the salt & chemicals that people put on their sidewalks - forces me to have to put rubber boots on my dogs feet, which he hates.
  9. Getting excited for Christmas Eve Lasagna.
  10. I voted for John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band. All Things Must Pass is bloated.
  11. Note to Texas! There are good REAL tacos in every state. Also! The waiter who is offering you Mr. Pibb as a substitute for Dr. Pepper is just trying to be polite, so please don't flip your shit, or the table. Just take it easy.
  12. I've heard it won't happen while Paul and Ringo are still around. They won't sign off on it apparently, because they feel it damages The Brand.
  13. No, but it wouldn't blow my mind that it's a favorite book of a shit-ton of people. But, that's empathy for ya!
  14. Ok, so it blows your mind that people are declaring that one of the most popular bands of all time is also their favorite band?
  15. I haven't missed a "Breakfast with the Beatles" in a long long time - every Sunday morning. Who is your "greatest band of all time"?
  16. Nine was dismal yes, and I can't stand the Crucible in any format, but The Boxer, Last of the Mohicans, and Unbearable are all pretty highly reviewed, according to rottentomatoes.
  17. White with a sprinkling of red. Wait, what are we talking about?
  18. Are you including room and board in enlisted compensation? Granted, they might not be making much, but they don't have to spend a dime either.
  19. I wish I could say DeNiro, but his crap movies might outnumber the good at this point.
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