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Everything posted by barbkm

  1. So -- which "Jay" would JT most likely reunite with? Not really knowing the Unclue Tupelo story, I say Farrar -- just because you could blame alot of that tension on youth and substances. But, I guess it is as likely as Lennon and McCartney or Lewis and Martin -- not very. Discuss. (Odd note -- I was boared at work the other day and clicking in all the links on the Wilco site. For the booking company, Jay F and JT are listed right after each other. I know it was alphabetically by first name, but thought it was interesting.)
  2. I could help be think of Jeff's aversion to shaving when I saw this. He's totally in now! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29108262/
  3. Isn't that a wee bit subtle? You need flashier.
  4. [it looks like there are still tickets available on the site.
  5. I agree. I love. I actually like it more that Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (No hate mail please). Lyrically, gorgeous. And Jeff sounds amazing -- as does the whole band. Impossible Germany still chills. Only song I don't realy like is Leave Me Like You Found Me. I did get sick of One Light, but got over it. Love air drumming to Walken.
  6. [Reminds me of being in the chorus in in the high school version of Grease. Ah, those su - um -um mer NI - IGTHS!!!! I took the plunge and paid $150 for the prime seats and a chance to meet JT. I was locked out right at 10, but went back about 10 minutes later and got the seat. I guess the gods were smiling on me.
  7. It was a great show -- all I can say is holy crap, that man has got a beautiful voice. I missed Fake Pallindroms cos I thought it was over (drat), but was very pleased with nhe show. First barefooted performance I've ever seen. But some of the young folks around me did not seem to respect the significance and sophistication of the venue -- giving lip to the ushers when they told them not the use their cell phones in the theatre. Kids. Specially the ones next to me eating the stinky cheese.
  8. I had a dream the Jeff plucked his eyebrows. I was so disappointed. And recently I had a dream that he was performing at an Evangelical Christian Chuch, but acting like Jim Morrison -- no shirt and leather pants. Again, I was disappointed. I just don't think he's the leather pants and shirtless type.
  9. I will be making the trek up there fom NJ. And plan in the Beacon show, too. Thank you sweet Jesus! It's been too long since a solo show!]
  10. It was a sad Monday when I put my Yanke Hotle Foxtrot in my car's CD player and it was skipping. At first, it was only Pot Kettle Black, then the cursed skip made it's way to Radio Cure. And I could not get to the nearest record store for three days. Sorta sad to see ole YFHT go -- it's what really what made me love Wilco and we spent so much quality time together -- belting put I'M the Mann Who Love Yours, getting all introspective with Reservations, shaking ma thang with Heavy Metal Drummer. But no worries, I made it to the the nearest CD World for a new copy. All is right with the worl
  11. I'm sitting at my computer -- in New Jersey -- pouting cos I don't live in Chicago and miss all the fun. Plus, I need a new dishwasher and my car's making a funny sound, so paying for a trip to Chicago does not make good economic sense. Poop. Wanna do a dishwasher benefit?
  12. [ Minus5 w/guests Oooooh -- Jeff Tweedy, Peter Buck and me on a slow boat to Hawaii. I likey. Would there be other people?
  13. We must have been near each other. I was right next to that tall guy who kept guessing --correctly -- the next song.
  14. That was a great show. I will take the trek up there everytime they play there. Justy woish Jeff jumped in the audience by me. I would have touched him (after he jumped in, he commented that no one went near him.)
  15. That guy in the audience at the very beginning of the clip. . blue t-shirt .. .I tink I saw him at the Macarren park Pool show and at the 2nd MSG Neil Young show.
  16. I've seen On and On and On live 3 times: Pines Theatre, Tower Theatre, and Schubert Theater -- and I thinhk he was out of tune once, but when he's not -- wowza, it's a good experience. I teared up.
  17. I was at a meeting at work, sitting in an office with three other people. I thought I was hearing "Got You" -- it was very, very quiet and I was not quite sure if I was actually hearing it, or if I had finally snapped and was hearing Wilco songs in my head. Luckily, I'm good friends with the people in the room and I was able to pause the meeting and find the source. Sure nuff, Wilco was playing in her Ipod, which was turned down low. I was happy that I work with other Wilco fans, and that I was not going crazy.
  18. I think it's great that Wilco got Ted a 3 way. Or a "tricycle.
  19. Who knew that Jeff was Goth. Seeing the video took me back to high school -- I always thought that bass player was cute.
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