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Everything posted by Boss_Tweedy

  1. It was a fun night. I'm not usually one to hang out after a show, but I was talking to a friend I'd run into at the show when we noticed Britt. If you have a chance to see them again, definitely go.
  2. I saw that show mentioned on XRT's Facebook page. Makes me wish I lived in Chicago.
  3. Now I can give a report. They were great. They're always great! How they can continually make such strong music and play one terrific show after another amazes me. If I had to sum Spoon up in a word, it would be consistent. Plus I met Britt Daniel after the show. I wasn't even trying to. I was just chatting with a couple of friends on the sidewalk, and he walked up to the barricade, talked with fans, signed autographs and posed for pictures. I wasn't expecting it, but that experience was the icing on the cake. They have a fan for life in me.
  4. I'm sure they will be. Seeing them tonight in NOLA.
  5. Watched "The Big Sick" last night. Great little movie.
  6. Forthcoming albums by Margo Price and Bully, both of which are streaming at NPR.
  7. John mentioned they were recording. Intriguing...
  8. Thank you. Yesterday really sucked.
  9. Today my mom and I agreed to call in hospice care for my dad. My parents are the two greatest blessings of my life. My heart is breaking.
  10. Sorry. I meant the shows you attend. Thanks for the help, guys. Any serious responses would be appreciated.
  11. I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this, but did they do away with the thing on their website that allowed you to keep track of the shows they attend?
  12. It was a great show in a gorgeous venue. I've never done it before, but I recorded "In the Street" because I recognized Jody before they introduced him and knew what was coming. The only complaint I have about last night is that, as is usually the case for Wilco shows I attend, the poster was lame. But if that's your biggest complaint then you know you've had a pretty great evening.
  13. Wilco at the Orpheum in Memphis! I gotta admit that my fandom for Wilco is very much on the decline, but I’m still looking forward to tonight’s show.
  14. I'd love to know what his connection with Mississippi is. Lateness of Dancers, which he titled one of their albums, is taken from "Delta Wedding," a Eudora Welty short story. That's about when I discovered HGM. Then there's a song called "Biloxi" on Heart Like a Levee. And the new album has a song called "Gulfport You've Been on My Mind." Gulfport is a city next to Biloxi and is my hometown. At least I assume he's talking about Gulfport, Mississippi.
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