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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. My wife is 1st generation Mexican-American (I'm white). My parents live in AZ. Holidays & vacations are going to suck for as long as this law is in effect (if it ever makes it there). Simply put, she (rightly) refuses to carry her passport to travel to another state, so she won't be setting foot into AZ as long as this law is in effect. The risk of getting harassed/arrested by a cop because of her brown skin isn't worth it. Same goes for my kids (who mostly look Mexican, especially when they have a summer tan). We're going to suggest to my parents that they visit us this year for
  2. Lucero is probably my favorite band out there right now. Great live shows, really cool guys too. Nobody's Darlings was my first introduction to the band, so I'm inclined to recommend that as the place to start. For me, it seems like that was the first album of theirs that really captured the band's true essence. Their latest, 1372 Overton Park, is just magnificent - Memphis style all the way.
  3. Would you rather have people with coffee (or whatever) breath? That's why I chew gum during the day.
  4. That sounds fantastic, actually? I had to deal with Ken Daniels and Mickey Redmond whine about the refs all night on the Center Ice feed... Sharks are up 3-0. Just amazing!
  5. guilty as charged. Well, I am mildly allergic to some cats - but if you were to ask my kids, having a cat in the house would almost kill daddy. so sue me - it works.
  6. Last night's episode was unreal. The season started a little slow action-wise, but it was all in character & story development. Now we're starting to see things come to a head. (or through a head, if you like)
  7. Refs were bad both ways... a lot of wtf? calls. Pavelski- what can you say, the guy has stepped up his game bigtime - just what the Sharks have lacked these past few yrs. Nice to see Jumbo Joe and Heater get into the scoring mix a bit, too. But even at 2-0, I'm not comfortable. Both games could have turned the other way, just hoping to steal a game in Detroit.
  8. I love "Gun" but I'm not sure how good it would sound with the current lineup... seems almost too straightforward for a 6-piece band. I would love to hear them try an arrangement, though.
  9. Finally got around to checking these guys out - incredible! Downloading a few more albums of theirs from iTunes now...
  10. That video is pretty nauseating, especially when you consider that the "RPG" they thought they saw was apparently just a camera with a long lens.
  11. I believe this one was intentionally cheezy. At least that's what I tell myself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n53t2U07_jY
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZbJHKdB39Y
  13. ... and apparently they found "two minor provisions" in the recon bill that violated the budget rules, so they will have to be removed from the bill and it'll be sent back to the House for final passage. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36016267...h_care_reform/ and the beat goes on...
  14. http://www.c-span.org/Watch/C-SPAN2.aspx 2am DC time and the Senate is still voting down all of the republican amendments to the reconciliation bill. Reid apparently has said they're going to stay until they get through them all. Nothing like watching 70 & 80 yr old lawmakers pull an all-nighter. truly bizarre. I guess perhaps there still are the remnants of a democratic spine in that body after all...
  15. I don't disagree. I just think actually enforcing a rule like this, by either increased security staff or by asking fans to police other fans, is going to be pretty damn distracting, too. There won't be too many "magical" moments if people are continuously harassed by Jeff or others for wanting to take a few pics of the show. Yeah, they can chose to cooperate and not try to take photos, but you just know that isn't going to happen.
  16. I agree that the sea of LCD screens is annoying as hell, but I think this policy is going to be tough to enforce. Seems to me that it's more a case of justifying Tweedy's on-stage actions than anything else. Now when he has a hissy fit because someone is filming the concert, they can say "you were warned" before tossing 'em. Heck, it's their party and they can define the terms of that party pretty much how they want to - but I just gotta think that actually enforcing a rule like this will really hurt the overall vibe of the show, much more than the problem they're trying to fix.
  17. Finn's vocals/style are still fingernails-on-a-chalkboard for me... oh well.
  18. agree. Great writing, great acting, very unique and interesting story. Definitely in my top 2 favorite shows (w/ Dexter)
  19. Stupak on board. Looks like the healthcare bill is going to pass.
  20. Bummer. Like many, I got turned on to him/Big Star thanks to the Replacements song in his tribute. Became a big fan of his music, but never got a chance to see him in concert. Very sad.
  21. Just saw that DBTs are going to be on Letterman tonight... coool. Hoping they play "4th night of my drinking" or "birthday boy"
  22. I agree with these points. I've been an EverBank customer for over a decade now and have nothing but good experiences with them. I also used them for my first mortgage & refinance (but I'm now going thru USAA for my current mortgage - best rate when I was looking). Definitely shop around for rates - pay attention to the actual APR quoted for the loan and not just the rate, as the APR will factor in all the fees involved. Pick the 2 or 3 lowest from institutions you're comfortable with and then call them about other terms that might be of interest to you (payment options i.e. pay 50% 2
  23. At least you guys don't have an inept former action hero who can't even pronounce the name of the state sitting in your governor's mansion.
  24. yeah, that's the one. I thought there was more dialog between the two, but "hey dog collar boy, come up here" works for me.
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