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Everything posted by ponch1028

  1. I remember picking up an album called Parachutes when it first came out because Rolling Stone had given it 3 1/2 stars and mentioned Travis, Radiohead, and U2 in the opening paragraph. I remember liking it for the most part, thinking the song Sparks was the gem of them all. Then I saw that they had a video for the song Yellow on VH1 and MTV and the music snob and elitist in me (c'mon, there's little in us all) didn't know how to take it. Then another video came out for the song Trouble, and then they won a grammy. Then their new album came out and got raving reviews. I picked it up and r
  2. To each their own. As long as you aren't an annoying fan at Wilco or Tweedy concerts, I enjoy your opinions concerning Wilco. Personally, I disagree with much of your re-imagining, but like I said, no harm no foul. For about a year, I didn't listen to AGIB and instead focused on the flood of quality live recordings. With each new torrent posted, my amazement grew with how the new line-up was playing the AGIB and in some ways tweaking them (guitar-driven Theologians being one example). At some point, however, I ended up listening to the studio album and found much to appreciate. First
  3. anyone doing any artwork for this?
  4. Liked the first album - the second is o.k. overall. They lyrics on the second album are pretty bad in some spots, but his voice and the arrangements themselves are pretty impressive.
  5. Talk about a wide-open year. Helen Mirren is the only lead actor/actress representing a best picture nominee. I can't recall years past having such a disparity to where out of the 10 lead actor/actress nominees, only one came from the best picture category. Personally, I think Children of Men, Pans Labyrinth, and United 93 were far superior movies than all the other nominated movies minus Letters of Iwo Jima (I have not seen The Queen, but I suspect it to be one of the best movies of the year based upon many reviews of people I respect). Obviously, being the best is subjective and even t
  6. Not too much happened last night, but the new storyline concerning Jack definitely excited me. The episode, though, seemed appropriate given a nuclear bomb was just detonated. Very little action, but appropriate in pushing the day and plot forward. I'm pumped for next week's episode.
  7. Any version of Hummingbird where Jeff sereneded a specific person in the crowd. I don't know if you have any footage of such performances. My favorite would be Asheville where he spontaneously went into the crowd, sang to a little girl, and during Nels solo lifted her into his arms. Classic.
  8. I Am Trying To Break Your Heart Jesus, Etc. I'm The Man Who Loves You A Shot In The Arm Hummingbird Handshake Drugs They never play these songs anymore
  9. One of a kind. What a loss. Thank you Mr. Altman.
  10. This word is still divisive - who would have thought that even African-Americans would be split on its use in everyday conversation. I don't like the word. Don't like it when African-Americans use it, certainly don't like it when non-blacks use it. Think it's a horrible word and should not be used in any modern context. It should only stick around for us to remember the racist mistakes humanity has made in the past and hopefully can avoid in the present and future. This is one of the few words in the world where I personally have a hard time not judging someone critically if they use it.
  11. Here's to a safe delivery and a healthy baby and mother. And c'mon, give John a vacation day. How many shows has he played in his life - the birth of one's children are milestones.
  12. 1. Concerning Rangel's draft idea, I remember it coming up in the news before, but is that soundbyte really one of the first headlines you want coming out of the newly elected democratic majority? Is this really the solution that the Democrats are bringing to the table? Is this why we voted them in and voted the Republicans out? For an idea that has been around and around before and is never going to be passed? Some say Rangel is just making a point ... well, stop wasting time making points. We elected the Democrats into the majority. The point has been made for you. We want you to com
  13. I support the ideology but not the reality of it. Let's face it, if Rangel's intention is to bring back the draft in order for political leaders to think twice about getting into military conflicts, his ideology may be commendable, but realistically, political leaders have enough clout and power to still find ways for their children and loved ones to avoid combat duty. In the end, the draft would still target and be biased against poorer people and minorities. It's only been a couple of weeks and the Democrats are still as stupid as ever. The Murtha / Pelosi controversy Rangel's draft
  14. A big loss for the journalism community and news reporting
  15. My suggestion, "The Talking Abyss"
  16. For those who downloaded it, could someone please put it back up? Thanks.
  17. Josh Ritter would be a nice opener, although I guess he's already too big for opening for someone else. He is, though, not bigger than Wilco. I'm not the greatest fan of opening acts, but I appreciate established artists providing the opportunity for lesser known musicians to showcase their music to a wider audience. I generally look into artists or musicians that open for Wilco - something I may not do if they didn't have a Wilco connection. So while I think all of us would enjoy an additional 30-45 minutes of Wilco music, I appreciate Wilco's contribution to others in the music commun
  18. You scored as A paperback romance novel. No one's ever accused you of being original, which is not only accurate but a complement in your mind. You're personally invested in tradition and sentiment and seem to prefer whirlwind relationships built on superficial attraction and an utter lack of common ground. As a communication style, it garners you a great many acquaintences but no friends as they quickly find your endless repetition a touch passe. Of course, by the time they've come to that realization, you've already moved on to another pretty young chatterbox. A paperback romance nove
  19. I like both. They should do a Neil Young (Tonight's the Night or My My, Hey Hey ... Hey Hey My My) and play one version to begin the concert and the other version at the end of the concert.
  20. I love Summerteeth: live, studio, solo acoustic. Just one man's opinion.
  21. There are a few of tracks that I think are excellent on KT. Hell Is Chrome Handshake Drugs Ashes of American Flags Comment (If All Men Are Truly Brothers) Otherwise, I tend to glean from other shows from that period. I do like the Monday bonus track I got from Itunes or somewhere (can't remember)
  22. It's up and running. Just started a new thread.
  23. i'm pretty sure any dialog overdubbed on songs is absent, and the Family Gardener is the complete song.
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