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Everything posted by Plumplechook

  1. When Stan O'Neal, the boss of Merrill Lynch, destroyed the company in the subprime mortgage crash of 2008, he got a $161.5 million 'golden parachute' severance package funded by the American taxpayer and he now sits on the board of Alcoa. Meanwhile the rest of the country is dealing with the aftermath of the 2008 crash, a great recession that has resulted in tens of millions of Americans losing their jobs and livelihoods. It's facts like these that create the anger and disillusionment among the American public that is energising these OWS protests.
  2. Ryan Adams - a musical genius trapped inside the personality of a bitchy Valley Girl. I will always love his music but I don't think he is a very nice person. This latest incident with Janis Ian and Neil Finn just reinforces that opinion. As for 'Ashes and Fire' - I think it is a terrific return to form after the mediocre 'Cardinology'. My favourite is still 'Love is Hell' - but I'm putting 'Ashes and Fire' right up there with 'Cold Roses' and 'Heartbreaker'.
  3. Not smoking or drinking (listening at work in Sydney - midday) but still loving it. I did help myself to one of those virtual pina-coladas in the basement though!
  4. Well said Crow. You crystalized a lot my thinking about the new record - and the band's trajectory in general. I'm with you on SBS and W(TA) - I think they are both great albums. Picked up TWL here in Australia last Thursday and be playing it solidly since then. Loving it.
  5. Wow. Great interview. The list of the favorite albums he's worked on at the end of the interview is unreal.
  6. 4 out of 5 star review in today's Guardian (UK): http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2011/sep/01/jayhawks-mockingbird-time-review
  7. This looks ugly. But apparently no one killed and the band are OK - so that is very good news.
  8. Review I read today of 'I Might' in an Australian mag called it 'garage rock - for those with a Prius in their garage'. Kind of insulting, kind of amusing.
  9. No Steely Dan + no Little Feat = no credibility.
  10. Another review: http://www.bostonmusicspotlight.com/reviews-wilco-solid-sound-festival-at-mass-moca-on-june-24-25-26-2011/
  11. Actually Glenn Kotche has drum parts on a couple of tracks. Liam mentioned in a couple of interviews how 'Jump Your Bones' is built around a bunch of Glenn rythmn tracks - and he also plays on one other track ('Real Late' I think). Really great album - a real grower. Speaking of Glenn - I notice he sat in with Liam on a storming version of 'Second Chance' during his Solid Sound set on the weekend.
  12. A lounge version of the death metal band Cannibal Corpse's 'Rancid Amputation' by Aussie comedian Andrew Hansen:
  13. Musical comedy is one of those things that wears out its welcome pretty soon. But I do still enjoy a lot of the Flight of the Conchords stuff - mainly I think because they combine their humour with some genuine muscial chops.
  14. The last track 'Grown Ocean' is my favorite off the album. Love this performance on the Jools Holland show (UK) from a couple of weeks ago.
  15. Huge props for the Dr Feelgood clip Mr Howdjadoo. The very embodiment of R & R spirit (did you see 'Rock & Roll Confidential'? Best rockumentary ever!).
  16. So beautiful. Growing in stature with each listen.
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