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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Rick Nielsen couldn’t be a bigger nerd. He’s basically Pee Wee Herman with a five necked guitar.
  2. yeah i can't make heads or tails out of that personnel move. i guess Mick and John still control the band. must have been over money but i can't imagine any of the members aren't absolutely rolling in it.
  3. which is the hipster and which is the sex symbol?
  4. Fleetwood Mac is a weird example to draw... three (at least) distinct phases during their career, and one of the top selling records ever. for bands below at or below theater level, merch is their only way of marketing, really. you'll rarely hear them on radio or read about them in national print. i guess song placement works as marketing as well; Mogwai has had pretty good luck placing songs on tv shows and films. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1912841/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
  5. for an underground band, Sleep has the merch game dialed in to an outrageous degree.
  6. anyone want to dole out a BC recommendation or two, either studio or something live via archive or dime?
  7. GBV - Pendulum "Come on over tonight; we'll put on some Cat Butt and do it up right."
  8. but aside from the titles, those people are never mentioned in the song...
  9. The Soft Boys - Mr Kennedy "Coming into Cleveland Riding in the van with Sebadoh"
  10. i have met more than a few musicians in my time, but i can't think of anyone more genuine than Mike Watt.
  11. Minutemen - Tour Spiel "i dreamed I was e bloom but I woke up joe bouchard" Minutemen - History Lesson pt 2 Our band could be your life Real names'd be proof Me and mike watt played for years Punk rock changed our livesWe learned punk rock in Hollywood Drove up from Pedro We were fucking corn dogs We'd go drink and pogoMr. Narrator This is Bob Dylan to me My story could be his songs I'm his soldier childOur band is scientist rock But I was E. Bloom and Richard Hell Joe Strummer, and John Doe Me and Mike Watt, playing guitar
  12. House of Love - "Beatles and the Stones" (also Mott The Hoople's "All The Young Dudes") the best one, however no references to Dylan here. ("It's a new generation of electric white boy blues!") Sebadoh - Gimme Indie Rock (Dinosaur Jr, VU, Stooges, Pussy Galore, Thurston Moore, Husker Du)
  13. damn i forgot about this. TD isn't in the lineup is she? sad to say that Tame Impala lost me after _Lonerism_. i can't get w/ their new direction at all.
  14. i should have rattled their cage w/ an invoice but let them get off easy w/ a photo takedown (of course he had the balls to offer credit; photo credit don't pay my bills!)
  15. apparently this custom guitar pick manufacturer thought so too and used it w/o a licence.
  16. he played Psycho in 2016 and then did a short US tour the following year. He's still great, really energetic and quite a stage presence and production.
  17. bands i've seen in the last 72 hr (that i can remember off the top of my head) Idle Hands, Howling Giant, Primitive Man, Danava, Lucifer, Corrosion of Conformity, Hangman's Chair, High On Fire, Electric Wizard, ASG, Graveyard, The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, Bad Religion, Candy, Electric Citizen, The Monophonics, Led Zeppelin II, LA Witch, Misfits, Black Mountain, Yob, Fu Manchu, Grails, The Obsessed, Clutch, Cold Cave, Soft Kill, Royal Thunder, Black Angels, Sumac, Glassjaw, Goatwhore, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Mark Lanegan, Triumph Of Death (Hellhammer tribute feat. Tom Warrior).
  18. thanks! yeah i was pretty fortunate for that shot. i've got a 2x3 foot print of it hanging over my sofa.
  19. a web site got in touch w/ me to do a short profile on my photography side, so i figured i would share. https://artistwaves.com/tim-bugbee-behind-the-lens-of-three-favorite-photos-of-mine/
  20. the lyrics are a punch in the gut, given how things unfolded.
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