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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. "Man, this spotted owl tastes just like bald eagle!"
  2. count me in for #teamparquet they made it their own song.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyYV1pqIhEA
  4. right, he'd saunter out w/ his glass of red wine when it was his turn to sing, and then disappear again. must have been a blast on the tour bus!
  5. i haven't seen him in the NP lineup since 2014.
  6. i love this song. this record is definitely one of the year's favorites for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrMZ2p1aOAA
  7. i think we can all agree that this is a high water achievement in the realm of music. definitely stick it out until the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHpNmkgKs5c
  8. yeah i misunderstood what i thought you were saying, and what you were commenting on re: jeff's comment.
  9. well 'rock music' is a pretty big descriptor, no? i guess with the 'normal' 2 gtr/bass/drums lineup i wasn't necessarily defaulting to Stones/'Mats sounds. yeah i wish there were more bands like Dungen but glad we do have them. not sure of your appetite for post-punk/slightly gothy stuff but Idle Hands and Low Life are worth checking out. again though i would say it's covering some well-traveled ground vs anything truly innovative. so i get your point. if you wanna check out some of the fringes of black metal, Oranssi Pazuzu or Laster are two of my favorites lately. i thought Ohmme's
  10. they changed the words too! Fagen was nowhere to be seen during that song. i guess he went backstage to do it. with a fez on, of course. i am glad i went, but i certainly don't need to see Steely Dan play again. I mean, it was great to hear some tracks I'd never otherwise get to hear, like "Caves Of Altamira" or "Green Earrings" or "Haitian Divorce" which was a clear highlight. but i didn't like some of the liberties taken by the guitar player, esp on the iconic solo of "Kid Charlemagne." I mean, play it like it was played, don't put your own spin on it. I never did see The Wall but I woul
  11. i think i am gonna go see Steely Dan tonight. The Royal Scam is too great of a lure not to
  12. yes, and the frequency of the AC does make a different wrt to condenser hum, so state your continent. i mean, if you're really bored w/ the classic rock group instrumentation i would assume you've moved onto other things. forgive me if i haven't checked the now playing thread for a while, but new recommendations are always welcome. btw, here's a rock song that still has that vital spark of urgency. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpD6faiW5Jc
  13. well no accordions (at least not a quintet) but there's this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM8dCGIm6yc
  14. so what are you listening to instead? the latest electro-clash banger? tuvan throat singers backed by a black metal accordion quintet? the hum from your refrigerator condenser?
  15. i am not religious about it but i use this when i remember.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoMEoqyHHfk
  17. i have a feeling that Nels could play anything Jeff can, but not vice versa.
  18. good to hear! I bought a Melvins LP from their merch table years ago (Nude With Boots) and they were cheap at $10 but with a giant BUYER BEWARE sign, as they were all warped... i took a chance on one that looked OK in the shrinkwrap, put it on at home the next day, and teh stylus got launched into outer space on the first revolution. total no-go. but i had a bunch of 12"x12" floor tiles leftover from a kitchen project, and stacked about 6-8 on the LP and left it in the basement for ~6 months. plays fine now!
  19. hmmm... Maybe _Orc_? or _Floating Coffin_?
  20. sorry for the late reply here, but not allowing a return because a record is warped, skips, drilled off center etc is total bullshit.
  21. Thee Oh Sees are at the top of their game right now. unstoppable rock and roll juggernaut.
  22. hey, knock yourself out and create whatever threads you like. kinda weird first post, though - i admire your passion for genres. in other metal news, one of the most original bands in the genre are doing their first US tour, so if Oranssi Pazuzu hits your town, and you like a weird pastiche of black metal and space rock, check 'em out. i've never seen a metal band w/ two keyboard players and guitarists who use a Tele and a Strat.
  23. when they were arguably at the top of their game.
  24. Dave Matthews sings like he's got chronic hiccups.
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